Saturday, July 2, 2011

Health News: [cancer]

Brandon couple caught in HOA foreclosure
St. Petersburg Times Sat, 02 Jul 2011 01:54 AM PDT
By Kris Hundley and Susan Taylor Martin, Times staff writers Friday, July 1, 2011 Ron and Angela Zappia are in a tight spot. Angela has lung cancer that has spread to her liver. Ron has asthma and a lung disease believed to be related to his volunteer work at the World Trade Center site after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. The couple, who moved from New Jersey to Brandon in 2006, fell ...

Fallon makes a difference at Relay for Life
Lahontan Valley News Sat, 02 Jul 2011 01:31 AM PDT
The community of Fallon joined together last weekend and helped raise more than the initial goal for Relay for Life. Relay for Life is a 24-hour event that raises cancer awareness and money for the American Cancer Society.

Video: Govt kicks off national colorectal screening
Straits Times Sat, 02 Jul 2011 01:12 AM PDT
THE Government has launched a nationwide drive to get 900,000 older Singaporeans to get themselves tested early for colorectal cancer. Every year, 1,500 new cases of Singapore's most common cancer are diagnosed. And despite being responsible for 640 deaths a year, the killer shows few symptoms during its early stages, thus the Health Promotion Board's (HPB) drive to get those 50 and older, to go ...

Health Providers Should Emphasize Breast Cancer Screening
redOrbit Sat, 02 Jul 2011 01:08 AM PDT
Wayne State University researchers believe medical practitioners can help reduce the number of breast cancer deaths among low-income African-American women by more effectively educating their patients about the importance of mammography screening. In a study published this month in the Journal of Cancer Education, Rosalie Young, Ph.D., associate professor; Kendra Schwartz, M.D., M.S.P.H ...

Chavez's illness clouds Venezuela's future
Detroit News Sat, 02 Jul 2011 01:04 AM PDT
Caracas, Venezuela â€" Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez revealed that he is fighting cancer after having a tumor removed in Cuba, raising uncertainty about Venezuela's political future even as he assured his country he expects to fully recover.

I want to re-engage with life: Lisa Ray
PTI via Yahoo! India News Sat, 02 Jul 2011 00:41 AM PDT
New Delhi, Jul 2 (PTI) She fought and conquered. Now, cancer survivor actress Lisa Ray wants to put all adversities behind her to re-engage with life.The 39-year-old model-turned-actress who was diagnosed with multiple myeloma in June 2009, a cancer of the white blood cells, says that she is happy to have overcome such a tough phase of life."I am excited to re-engage with life. I have been ...

Local Cancer Fundraiser Hits Million-Dollar Mark: Relay for Life of Elma and Surrounding Communities is Huge Success
East Aurora Advertiser Sat, 02 Jul 2011 00:35 AM PDT
It started in 2003 as the Elma Relay for Life. Volunteers that year, led by chairperson Lori Redlinski of Elma, hoped to raise $25,000 for the American Cancer Society. Instead, they raised $85,000.

Novel drugs based on tree compound reduce cancer growth, heal wounds
ANI via Yahoo! India News Sat, 02 Jul 2011 00:30 AM PDT
Washington, July 2 (ANI): Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) have discovered an entirely new class of antiangiogenesis drugs - agents that interfere with the development of blood vessels- in a compound found in a South American tree.

Surviving cancer: Ray of Hope
Kern Valley Sun Sat, 02 Jul 2011 00:24 AM PDT
Valerie CassitySpecial to the Sun The Kern Comprehensive Cancer Awareness Partnership (KCCAP) co-hosted a “Ray of Hope” Cancer Awareness Luncheon June 7, at the Family Life Center in Wofford Heights. The event, which drew 125 attendees, was focused on cancer prevention and education, from nutrition to end-of-life decisions.

Chavez reveals he is fighting cancer after surgery
The Jamaica Observer Sat, 02 Jul 2011 00:19 AM PDT
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) â€" Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez revealed that he is fighting cancer after having a tumour removed in Cuba, raising uncertainty about Venezuela's political future even as he assured his country he expects to fully recover.

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