Saturday, July 2, 2011

Health News: [heart]

U-M research marks step toward treatments for aging and chronic diseases
News-Medical-Net Sat, 02 Jul 2011 01:57 AM PDT
As our bodies first form, developing cells are a lot like children put on the school bus with their names and addresses pinned to their shirts. The notes identify one as a future heart cell, another as a liver cell, a third as a neuron. And that's what they each grow up to be. But once those cells reach adulthood, changes to those original marching orders caused by aging, disease and other ...

Citywide Study Shows Racial Disparities In Emergency Stroke Treatment
redOrbit Sat, 02 Jul 2011 01:09 AM PDT
Education needed to close the gap, improve outcomes A citywide study published online in today’s issue of Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association demonstrates racial disparities in the use of clot-busting drugs to treat acute ischemic stroke, the most common type of stroke. According to the study’s results, significantly fewer black patients receive the drug tPA than whites because of ...

Service date setto celebrate Stover
The Register-Guard Sat, 02 Jul 2011 00:47 AM PDT
A celebration of life party will be held in Portland later this month in memory of Ron Stover, one of the stars of the 1958 Rose Bowl game for the University of Oregon football team. Stover died June 15 in his home in Palm Desert, Calif., of a heart attack …

Nebraska Heart to join Catholic Health Initiatives
Grand Island Independent Sat, 02 Jul 2011 00:43 AM PDT
Nebraska Heart Institute and Nebraska Heart Hospital made it official Monday that they will become part of the Catholic Health Initiatives (CHI) organizations in Nebraska to create the second largest health care system in Nebraska.

The Register-Guard Sat, 02 Jul 2011 00:39 AM PDT
Births SACRED HEART MEDICAL CENTER AT RIVERBEND Springfield June 27, 2011 Fenn â€" Edie Middaugh and Gary Fenn, of Cottage Grove, a son. Hammond â€" Jeong Yin Janet and David Hammond, of Eugene, a son. June 28, 2011 Chambers â€" Natalie Chambers, of Cottage Grove, a son. Gagner â€" Maraina …

Protect precious blood vessels with lingonberries
Tulsa World Sat, 02 Jul 2011 00:36 AM PDT
Dear Pharmacist, I have high blood pressure and heart disease. Do you have any recommendations? - K.S., Denver.

The heart of I-T matters
The Hindu Sat, 02 Jul 2011 00:36 AM PDT
The charm of the legal profession lies in the ability to twist and interpret the law to suit particular situations. The ingenuity of the lawyer knows no bounds. Let's take the instance of what an eminent advocate argued before the Delhi High Court.

Age-related changes can lead to dangerous identity crisis in human cells
ANI via Yahoo! India News Sat, 02 Jul 2011 00:32 AM PDT
Washington, July 2 (ANI): When a human body forms, developing cells are given their respective roles: one may be ordered to grow up to be say a future heart cell, another as a liver cell, a third as a neuron, and so on.

Spider beating heart image via MRI captured by British researchers (Video)
Batangas Today Sat, 02 Jul 2011 00:18 AM PDT
An image of a spider’s beating heart was recently captured by researchers via MRI or Magnetic Resonance Imaging, as shown in the video below. Spider beating heart image via MRI Image Credit: Gavin Merrifield/ As reported at Live Science on Thursday, June 30, 2011, British researchers captured a real-time heart beating of a spider via [...]

Call for cold look at heart unit facts
Northern Echo Sat, 02 Jul 2011 00:16 AM PDT
A KEY decision on the future of children’s heart surgery in the region edged closer last night, with health chiefs being warned to carry out a cold assessment of the facts.

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