Today's Most Popular News Headlines - Yahoo! News: | | $6.6 billion in lost Iraq cash now accounted for, inspector says Thu,27 Oct 2011 08:39 AM PDT The Envoy - It's a rare day when positive news surfaces from the frontlines of Iraq's post-occupation government--or from its troubled economy. However, a U.S. Iraq inspector general report that concluded this week that $6.6 billion in shrink-wrapped cash the U.S. government previously feared had gone missing in the chaotic early days of the Iraq occupation has in [...] Full Story | Top | Worst California biker feud in decade erupted at Starbucks Wed,26 Oct 2011 12:12 PM PDT Reuters - LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A turf war between the Hells Angels and a rival motorcycle gang that erupted outside a California Starbucks shop last year has left several men dead, wounded or missing in three states, stirring fears of more bloodshed.
Full Story | Top | McDonald's bans mom on clean play-area crusade Thu,27 Oct 2011 08:34 AM PDT AP - An Arizona mother of four has received a hand-delivered letter from a lawyer prohibiting her from setting foot in eight Phoenix-area McDonald's and threatening her with criminal trespassing charges if she did. Full Story | Top | Young boy wishes to join Girl Scouts Wed,26 Oct 2011 02:01 PM PDT The Upshot - Bobby Montoya is a 7-year-old boy from Denver. Unlike a lot of young boys, Bobby has no desire to join the Boy Scouts. Instead, he wants to be a Girl Scout. We first saw Montoya's story over at The NBC affiliate reports that when the boy's mother, Felisha Archuleta, tried to sign her son [...] Full Story | Top | Rick Perry comes out against Confederate flag license plate Thu,27 Oct 2011 12:27 PM PDT The Ticket - Texas Gov. Rick Perry has come out against the marketing of a Confederate license plate in his state, an issue that could come up again in his bid for the Republican presidential nomination. As the Austin American Statesman's Jason Embry reports, the plate has been proposed by the Sons of Confederate Veterans, an ancestral history [...] Full Story | Top | Washington Post defends publishing odd Occupy Oakland photo featuring cop petting kitten Thu,27 Oct 2011 07:52 AM PDT The Cutline - News outlets and demonstrators alike chronicled the violence that erupted between police and Occupy Wall Street protesters in Oakland on Tuesday night. As a result, news consumers saw plenty of dramatic, teargas-filled images and video beamed, streamed and broadcast across virtually all media platforms. And that's why many readers were puzzled by the Washington Post's [...] Full Story | Top | Real-Life 'Slumdog Millionaire' First to Win Big Thu,27 Oct 2011 02:44 PM PDT ABC News Blogs - Sushil Kumar, 26, grew up in one of the poorest states in India. His family was so impoverished that they couldn't even afford a television set. But today he is a millionaire and television superstar, the first contestant to win $1 million on the Indian... Full Story | Top | California researcher cracks secret society's cipher Wed,26 Oct 2011 07:27 AM PDT The Lookout - A computer scientist at the University of Southern California and two Swedish linguists have cracked a 75,000-character cipher from the 18th century that described the laws of a secret society. The "Copiale Cipher" was neatly hand-written in Greek and Roman characters with some unknown symbols thrown into the mix. Researchers suspected that the original language [...] Full Story | Top | Poll: Gun ownership at 20-year high Thu,27 Oct 2011 07:04 AM PDT The Lookout - Nearly half of Americans say they have a gun in their household, the highest percentage since 1993, according to a new Gallup poll. Forty-seven percent of Americans say they have a gun on their property. Gun ownership is up among Republicans as well as Democrats, though only 40 percent of Democrats say their home has [...] Full Story | Top | Gadhafi's dead, but White House war on "leading from behind" escalating Thu,27 Oct 2011 10:19 AM PDT The Envoy - Moammar Gadhafi was buried in a secret location in the Libyan desert this week, bringing closure to Libyans' nine-month struggle to topple their dictator of 42 years. Despite the victory celebrations in Benghazi over Gadhafi's demise, the Obama administration apparently is still bothered by a noteworthy phrase that has been used to describe President Barack [...] Full Story | Top | "Wife-sharing" haunts Indian villages as girls decline Thu,27 Oct 2011 01:36 AM PDT Reuters - BAGHPAT, India (TrustLaw) - When Munni arrived in this fertile, sugarcane-growing region of north India as a young bride years ago, little did she imagine she would be forced into having sex and bearing children with her husband's two brothers who had failed to find wives. Full Story | Top | Jon Huntsman on the tea party, the polls, and his hair: the Yahoo News interview Wed,26 Oct 2011 09:00 PM PDT The Ticket - WASHINGTON--A crowd of eager college students huddled outside an auditorium at The George Washington University on Tuesday, pleading with a skinny kid wearing a headset to let them inside. "There's no more room," the kid insisted. "I can't let you in." Some in the crowd begged--one even asked me if he could pretend to be [...] Full Story | Top | Widow sues over grizzly mauling that killed her husband Wed,26 Oct 2011 04:30 PM PDT Reuters - CODY, Wyo (Reuters) - The widow of a man killed by a grizzly bear last year near Yellowstone National Park has sued the federal government, saying researchers were negligent in warning residents about trapping activities in the area. Full Story | Top | Why Coke Is Going White for Polar Bears Thu,27 Oct 2011 08:29 AM PDT - The 125-year-old Coca-Cola Company doesn't like to mess with its brand image. That's in part because it's so valuable — according to Interbrand Coke has the best brand in the world — but also because previous efforts to tweak its image haven't always worked out so well, and sometimes lead to things like this. Full Story | Top | Occupy protesters rally around wounded veteran Thu,27 Oct 2011 08:12 AM PDT AP - Veering around police barricades, anti-Wall Street protesters held a late-night march through Oakland streets, a day after one of their number — an Iraq War veteran — was left in critical condition with a fractured skull following a clash with police.
Full Story | Top | Amid unemployment and inequality, is the American Dream at risk? Wed,26 Oct 2011 01:01 PM PDT The Lookout - For well over a century, the American Dream has acted as a beacon of hope to people around the world: the notion that by working hard and playing by the rules, anyone can build a secure, comfortable life for themselves and a bright future for their kids. But as the country struggles to shake off [...] Full Story | Top | Tensions rise as Occupy Wall Street protests stretch across the country Thu,27 Oct 2011 01:38 PM PDT The Lookout - More than a month after the first Occupy Wall Street protests, the movement to highlight inequality and corporate influence on politics has spread across the country and around the world. But as the sit-ins drag on, tensions with local city officials are rising. In Oakland, there have been violent clashes between police and demonstrators. In [...] Full Story | Top | Which GOP flat tax plan is fairest of them all? Wed,26 Oct 2011 03:34 PM PDT Christian Science Monitor - Three Republican presidential candidates have put forward flat tax plans so far, but their proposals would not affect US taxpayers in the same way. All, however, would probably lead to less revenue for the US government, analysts say, meaning spending cuts of a sizable magnitude would be in order. Full Story | Top | Are American workers in a race against the machine? Thu,27 Oct 2011 09:53 AM PDT The Lookout - Is technology worsening America's jobs crisis? That's the argument of a new book, Race Against The Machine: How the Digital Revolution is Accelerating Innovation, Driving Productivity, and Irreversibly Transforming Employment and the Economy, by Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee. The authors contend that advances in technology have reduced the economy's ability to create new jobs [...] Full Story | Top | Michael Lohan Arrested Again, Jumps From Balcony Thu,27 Oct 2011 06:27 AM PDT ABC News - Michael Lohan's in trouble with the law for the second time this week. According to ABC affiliate WFTS, Tampa, Fla. police took the father of "Mean Girls" star Lindsay Lohan into custody early Thursday for violating the terms of his release. He was arrested Tuesday... Full Story | Top | Rick Perry plans to skip some upcoming debates Thu,27 Oct 2011 07:00 AM PDT The Ticket - Rick Perry, who earlier this week called his participation in recent presidential debates a "mistake," plans to limit his participation in upcoming forums heading into the heat of the primary season. The Texas governor and 2012 hopeful will participate in a CNBC debate scheduled for Nov. 9 in Michigan, but a top aide told CNN's [...] Full Story | Top | Europe reaches key deal to help Greece Thu,27 Oct 2011 09:14 AM PDT AP - European leaders agreed Thursday morning on a crucial plan to reduce Greece's debts and provide it with more rescue loans so that the faltering country can eventually dig out from under its debt burden.
Full Story | Top | Special report: Harrisburg: a city at war with itself Thu,27 Oct 2011 10:41 AM PDT Reuters - HARRISBURG, Pennsylvania (Reuters) - For three days last summer, Mayor Linda Thompson joined religious leaders to pray for a "cooperative spirit" among city leaders, the business community and residents here in Pennsylvania's state capital.
Full Story | Top | Romney's Killing It Thu,27 Oct 2011 04:55 AM PDT The Daily Beast - Mitt is better liked in the first primary state than virtually anywhere else. Jill Lawrence explains why.
Full Story | Top | General admission for Gingrich-Cain debate: $200 per ticket Thu,27 Oct 2011 01:47 PM PDT The Ticket - Republican presidential candidates Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich will go head to head in their own "Lincoln-Douglas" style debate in a few weeks, but if you want to see it live, it's going to cost a pretty penny. General admission to the event costs $200, according to the Texas Patriots PAC, the nonprofit group that's [...] Full Story | Top | Can Herman Cain actually win the GOP nomination? Thu,27 Oct 2011 09:15 AM PDT Christian Science Monitor - From the start, Herman Cain has confounded the Republican elite. The former pizza magnate, Navy mathematician, and talk radio host with no political experience jumped into the presidential race with both feet way back in January and has never looked back. Full Story | Top |
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