Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Health News : [cancer]

Yahoo! Health - My Alerts - Edit Alert
Tuesday, Jan 01, 2013 05:03 PM EST
Venezuelans on edge amid shifting news on Chavez
Tue, 01 Jan, 2013 02:02 PM PST
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) â€" Supporters and opponents of President Hugo Chavez alike nervously welcomed the new year Tuesday, left on edge by shifting signals from the government about the Venezuelan leader's health three weeks after cancer surgery in Cuba.
Boilers close season at home with Steamers
Tue, 01 Jan, 2013 01:58 PM PST
Fans encouraged to wear pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
D'Arcy diagnosed with cancer for 2nd time
Tue, 01 Jan, 2013 01:46 PM PST
Bishop Emeritus John D’Arcy, the former head of the Fort Wayne-South Bend Diocese, has been diagnosed with cancer for a second time, a diocesan spokesman said Tuesday.
Venezuela’s Maduro channels Chavez, lacks his charisma
Tue, 01 Jan, 2013 01:43 PM PST
He uses Hugo Chavez’s bombastic language, brandishes the constitution and showers opponents with vitriol at every turn. But Venezuelan Vice President Nicolas Maduro is struggling to replicate the extraordinary charisma of his boss, who is battling to recover from cancer surgery in Cuba.
Top 10 news stories, No. 1: Valley View opens Calaway-Young Cancer Center
Tue, 01 Jan, 2013 01:34 PM PST
The Calaway-Young Cancer Center at Valley View Hospital opened its doors to patients in September, housed in a five-story, 145,000-square-foot addition to the hospital that completes a 10-year expansion effort at Valley View.
Polar Bear Plunge has special meaning for father, daughter
Tue, 01 Jan, 2013 01:07 PM PST
A Decatur woman ends a year-long battle with cancer by taking the Polar Bear Plunge.
Top cricket journalist dies
Tue, 01 Jan, 2013 01:05 PM PST
Respected English cricket journalist and commentator Christopher Martin-Jenkins has died of cancer at the age of 67.
NH House Approves 24 Hour Wait For Abortion
Tue, 01 Jan, 2013 12:56 PM PST
The NH house has voted to require women to wait 24 hours before getting an abortion.  The so-called women’s right to know bill had to be pared back to win final house passage. Penalties for doctors were stripped, as was the  requirements that abortion providers give women seeking an abortion specific information about abortion risks, including a contested claim linking aborts to breast cancer ...
Tomahawk Toddler Begins 2013 Cancer-free
Tue, 01 Jan, 2013 12:43 PM PST
It's the beginning of a new year, which means a fresh start and that couldn't be more true for two parents of a bubbly Tomahawk toddler.
Health Resources
Tue, 01 Jan, 2013 12:41 PM PST
Providence Regional Cancer Partnership: 1717 13th St., Everett. Call 425-297-5500 or see www.cancerpartnership.org for more information: Click on "Support Services," then, on the right side of the page, click on "Classes" or "Support Groups."

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