Thursday, October 2, 2014

obama: Obama Defends Economy by Pointing ...

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Obama Defends Economy by Pointing Overseas; Tough Sell for Those in Pain Bloomberg via Yahoo! Finance  - 43 minutes
President Barack Obama is making the case for his economic stewardship at home by appealing to American pride, arguing that the U.S. is ...

Obama touts economic gains under his watch Associated Press via Yahoo! Finance  - 27 minutes
EVANSTON, Ill. (AP) -- President Barack Obama laid claim to an economic recovery Thursday that he said has made steady progress even as he ...

Obama Just Took A Big Victory Lap On Obamacare Business Insider via Yahoo! Finance  - 36 minutes
AP President Barack Obama speaks on the economy in Evanston, Illinois. President Barack Obama touted the successes of the Affordable Care Act ...

Obama: Jobs growth achieved, task now wage growth CNBC  - 45 minutes
In a speech at Northwestern University, President Barack Obama touted his economic track record and charted the course for his next goal.

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