Tuesday, October 28, 2014

obama: Obama strikes back at Christie on Ebola

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Obama strikes back at Christie on Ebola CNN  - 12 minutes
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's tough-guy persona is back on the national stage after his tussle with the White House -- and a quarantined ...

Obama: Health care workers fighting Ebola doing "God's work" CBS News  - 9 minutes
The president said that quarantine policies need to be based on science and best practices

Obama: Response to Ebola Must Be Based on Science, Not Fear Bloomberg via Yahoo! Finance  - 20 minutes
President Barack Obama said the U.S. risks discouraging doctors and nurses critical in the fight to stop Ebola if authorities impose unneeded ...

Obama urges Americans to honor aid workers fighting Ebola in Africa Los Angeles Times  - 59 minutes
President Obama on Tuesday urged Americans to set aside their fears of the Ebola virus and make sure U.S. healthcare workers who go to West ...

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