Friday, September 4, 2009

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Friday, September 04, 2009 2:33 PM PDT

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College football: Plancher's perseverance pays off with starting role for USF
Naples Daily News Fri, 04 Sep 2009 14:30 PM PDT
There were plenty of nights that Mo Plancher lay in bed and wondered if it was all worth it. His body marred by injuries and his heart bruised from personal tragedies, the former Barron Collier star and current South Florida running back just wasn̢۪t sure if he could continue his football career.

Food is not the problem, it̢۪s the solution
Anderson Independent-Mail Fri, 04 Sep 2009 13:38 PM PDT
While it may seem fine, and possibly even beneficial for weight loss, to skip a meal or a snack from time to time, this habit will actually be setting your body up to gain weight.

Inquiry into man's death being stepped up
NZCity Fri, 04 Sep 2009 13:34 PM PDT
5 September 2009 Police are stepping up their inquiry into the death of a man whose body was found in the grounds of a block of flats in Heretaunga St, in Palmerston North yesterday.

Waist-Hip Ratio Good Gauge of Obesity in Elderly, Study Shows
Forbes Fri, 04 Sep 2009 13:34 PM PDT
After age 70, body mass index is less effective in identifying unhealthy weight levels, researchers say

Qualcomm lowers power for body area networks
EETimes Fri, 04 Sep 2009 13:23 PM PDT
Qualcomm described a new algorithm to lower the power of body area networks at the EMBC '09 conference, attracting attention from several attendees including representatives of implantable device maker Medtronic.

Football: Losing born leaders and making new ones
Souderton Independent Fri, 04 Sep 2009 13:14 PM PDT
Every August, cicadas in Pennsylvania mark the beginning of the football season with their loud rattling, buzzing songs. When they are done their annual dance, they each leave a hollow shell of their body.

Baby Born With External Heart Recovering After Surgery
redOrbit Fri, 04 Sep 2009 13:08 PM PDT
An infant born with his heart outside of his body is reportedly recovering after surgeons completed the process of inserting the heart inside his body on Friday.The 10-day-old boy was born with a rare medical condition known as a complete thoracic ectopia cordis."We gently placed the heart partly in the heart cavity and partly in the stomach cavity without twisting, kinking or rotating anything ...

Baby Born With Heart Exposed
WJXT Jacksonville Fri, 04 Sep 2009 13:05 PM PDT
Government doctors in India eased the protruding heart of an 11-day-old baby boy back into his body in what they called a critical but successful surgery, The Times Of India reported.

Baby with 'external heart' recovers after surgery Fri, 04 Sep 2009 13:04 PM PDT
A 10-day-old baby born with a heart on the outside of his body is recovering in an Indian hospital after undergoing surgery to create space for the organ, reports said Friday.

Why eating broccoli may prevent strokes and heart attacks
Daily Mail Fri, 04 Sep 2009 12:57 PM PDT
A chemical found in the vegetable - once spurned by a US president - boosts the body's defence system to keep arteries unclogged.

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