Thursday, September 10, 2009

Health News: [cancer]

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Thursday, September 10, 2009 6:03 PM PDT

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Roemer and national team playing cancer fundraiser
Cowichan News Leader Pictorial Thu, 10 Sep 2009 18:00 PM PDT
Field hockey’s finest: It will be a very special afternoon Sunday at UBC with a goal of reaching $20,000 in donations

Help a cancer patient, support Wheels for Hope
Belleville Intelligencer Thu, 10 Sep 2009 17:46 PM PDT
The wheels are turning on the Canadian Cancer Society’s new fundraising campaign. Wheels for Hope is a new effort to fund out-of-town travel for cancer patients needing treatment. Belleville has no cancer care centre; the nearest is in Kingston.[...]

Child's Memory Alive In Walk For Glioma
CBS4 Denver Thu, 10 Sep 2009 17:45 PM PDT
Organizers are getting ready for this weekend's Walk for Glioma in memory of Marc Apodaca Jr. It is the second such walk. Money raised will go to help families who are battling the rare and deadly childhood cancer.

Daughter's cancer death sparks mayoral funds push
ABC via Yahoo!7 News Thu, 10 Sep 2009 17:42 PM PDT
Gold Coast Mayor Ron Clarke has asked for donations instead of flowers in memory of his daughter, who died of breast cancer last Saturday.

Outrigger race focuses on breast cancer
Fullerton News Tribune Thu, 10 Sep 2009 17:39 PM PDT
Team member's recent diagnosis is the focus for 'Sea of Pink: Crossing with a Cause.'

Falana Seeks Probe of Gani’s Death
This Day Thu, 10 Sep 2009 17:39 PM PDT
President of the West African Bar Association, Mr. Femi Falana, yesterday said there is need to investigate the death of Chief Gani Fawehinmi, SAN, wondering how on earth Gani who had never smoked all his life could have contacted cancer of the lungs.

Maura Tierney drops out of TV show to fight cancer
Reuters via Yahoo! News Thu, 10 Sep 2009 17:36 PM PDT
Maura Tierney has pulled out of NBC's upcoming drama series "Parenthood" because of a scheduling conflict between the show's production and her breast cancer treatments.

Cancer Survivors Find Renewed Life By Staying Fit
WCBS-TV New York Thu, 10 Sep 2009 17:36 PM PDT
Some cancer survivors in New Jersey are fighting back by staying fit, courtesy of the group they call "Team Survivor." The ladies are amazing, training for a sprint triathlon in Sandy Hook. Team Survivor has members all over the country, and each one has an inspiring story. Caldwell was diagnosed with breast cancer four years ago, and she's been fighting it with the help of Team Survivor. It's a ...

Illness forcing Maura Tierney from 'Parenthood'
Seattle Times Thu, 10 Sep 2009 17:28 PM PDT
Maura Tierney says she is dropping out of the new NBC series "Parenthood" to continue her treatment for breast cancer.

Why Pink Means ‘Cancer’ at Retail
Progressive Grocer Thu, 10 Sep 2009 17:27 PM PDT
Dorothy Allan, SVP-retail strategy for Dallas-based TracyLocke, has worked on direct, online and retail marketing and is now focusing on helping packaged goods companies get the most ROI for their shopper marketing efforts. So, she’s seen the rise of shopper marketing first-hand, but has also witnessed a big change in the market over the last year or so because of the economy.

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