Saturday, September 5, 2009

Keyword News: [movie]

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Saturday, September 05, 2009 1:39 PM PDT

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Butler squanders career with Gamer
The Brockville Recorder and Times Sat, 05 Sep 2009 13:10 PM PDT
Gamer isn't yet another miserable movie based on a video game -- it just feels like one. In fact, this joyless, head-throbbing Running Man rip-off turns out to be based on excruciatingly very little. Not on compelling writing, certainly.[...]

Son, who should star in my movie?
Los Angeles Times Sat, 05 Sep 2009 13:09 PM PDT
When Daddy or Mommy needs a new face for a big movie role, sometimes they find that Junior has just the right suggestion. They were words on which a young man's fate would soon hinge: "Dad, you should check this out."

A face for the opponents
Bennington Banner Sat, 05 Sep 2009 13:00 PM PDT
Remember Woody Allen's first film? It was called "Take the Money and Run." The movie was done in a semi-documentary style and chronicled thespectacularly unsuccessful efforts of Virgil Starkwell (Mr. Allen) to become a major crime figure.

Hillary movie puts campaign finance limits at risk
Seattle Times Sat, 05 Sep 2009 12:49 PM PDT
The Supreme Court appears poised to wipe away limits on campaign spending by corporations and labor unions in time for next year's congressional elections in a case that began as a dispute over a movie about Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Jenna Elfman back on TV, and it's no accident
The Arizona Republic Sat, 05 Sep 2009 12:47 PM PDT
Jenna Elfman is best known for playing the free-spirited hippie yoga instructor Dharma on "Dharma & Greg." She stars in the upcoming CBS sitcom "Accidentally on Purpose," based on the true story of a movie critic who becomes pregnant after a one-night stand with a much younger man.

Book Review - Humor, romance still a staple of home turf setting
The Wilmington Star-News Sat, 05 Sep 2009 12:42 PM PDT
By Ben Steelman Louisiana native Rebecca Wells hit the big time with “Little Altars Everywhere” (1992) and launched into orbit with its sequel, “Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood” (1996), which became a New York Times best seller, morphed into a movie (filmed partly in Wilmington) and inspired dozens of nationwide chapters of Ya-Ya Clubs.

Fall Movie Previews!
Extra TV Sat, 05 Sep 2009 12:27 PM PDT
This fall is the season to head to the Cineplex! We have all the trailers for the movies you don't want to miss when the leaves start to fall. "Twilight" was a huge hit last year -- and the sequel "New Moon" promises even more vampire fun and romance.

Movie Review: Not much to laugh about 'All About Steve'
Delaware County Times Sat, 05 Sep 2009 11:58 AM PDT
LOS ANGELES â€" It's bad enough that the usually enjoyable Sandra Bullock has found a way to star in not one but two flat romantic comedies this summer, between "The Proposal" in June and now "All About Steve." But what's truly baffling â€" disheartening, really â€" is the fact that this latest one was written by a woman.

One more last day of summer
Times News Sat, 05 Sep 2009 11:40 AM PDT
A couple weeks ago, I watched the movie "For the Love of the Game" with Kevin Costner. His character, Billy, is a pitcher for the Detroit Tigers. It's the last game of the season, he's 40 years old, just learned his team is going to be sold and he will be traded. His arm is hurting beyond belief.

Hollywood Players Vie to Tell DeLorean’s Story
New York Times Sat, 05 Sep 2009 11:36 AM PDT
The movie industry is eying an epic pileup of projects featuring a somewhat unlikely new film hero: the renegade automotive entrepreneur John Z. DeLorean.

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