Friday, September 4, 2009

Y! Alert: Dlisted - Be Very Afraid

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The latest from Dlisted - Be Very Afraid

Mickey Rourke Is Kinky Top
Loki's forever friend was arrested last night in London for murder eyeballs with the deadly weapon that is his face. Naw, Mickey Rourke was just playing around with the bobbies (Look at me, I'm English!) while he was taking a smoke break outside of a club. When Mickey saw the cops, he told them to put him in handcuffs. Yeah, I knew Mickey was a nastyfilthyraunchysucioassbitch who liked it kinky. Swoooooon. After the cop realized it was not Freddy Krueger standing before him, he had a laugh. But you know his ass thought about arresting him. And Mickey should probably consider rolling a little Degree on his slobbery tittays before he goes out.
I'm Jealous Top
Over at ONTD , they posted these pictures of Jennifer Garner with her 4-year-old daughter in Boston yesterday and some seem to think that Violet is too old for a binkie or a stroller. Now, I say, MILK IT, Violet! If Jennifer tries to pull you out, kick, scream and call 911! REFUSE to leave that stroller. I wish I would've never left the stroller. Seriously, imagine spending your days being pushed around in a chair on wheels. That's the life. Walking is pointless. Walking is stupid. Walking is hard.


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