Thursday, February 25, 2010

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Thursday, February 25, 2010 2:33 PM PST

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PIONEERING FOR PETS: Destinite, who worked with Michael Vick’s dogs, has revolutionized an ancient art form
The Destin Log Thu, 25 Feb 2010 14:29 PM PST
When Adele Leas kneels on the floor of her Destin home and calls for her dog, Daisy, the lab knows exactly what’s coming and immediately rolls on her side.Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ) is an ancient, hands-on application that energizes the mind, body and...

FanHouse: Ole Miss mascot candidates
MSNBC Thu, 25 Feb 2010 14:28 PM PST
The Ole Miss student body voted Tuesday to adopt a new mascot, replacing Colonel Reb, the grandfather-of-Yosemite-Sam looking gentleman and symbol of the Old South associated with Ole Miss athletics since 1938. The final tally passed by an overwhelming majority as 74.6 percent of ballots cast voted yes.

Current WTWO Conditions 2.0
WTWO Terre Haute Thu, 25 Feb 2010 14:27 PM PST
Police have confirmed that the body they found Thursday morning was that of 40 year old Michael Miller. He's the man accused of threatening to blow up Union Hospital Sunday.

Man admits to stealing 11,000 pills
WWAY 3 Wilmington Thu, 25 Feb 2010 14:07 PM PST
Video Body A Bolivia man has confessed to stealing thousands of prescription pills according to investigators in Brunswick County. They say 46-year old Ritchie Carson broke into two Shallotte drug stores and stole 11,000 pills with a street value of around $110,000. Surveillance cameras show Carson using a cinder block to break into the stores. Law enforcement says prescription drug busts are ...

Swim, bike and sprint in SUU's 2010 Indoor Tri
The Spectrum Thu, 25 Feb 2010 14:06 PM PST
CEDAR CITY â€" First you swim, then you bike and finally, with all the energy you’ve left to muster, you sprint. Ultimately using every major muscle in your body and exhausting your lungs, you do all of this without resting, advancing toward a distant endpoint.

Zippora Karz: Food As A Pressured Event
The Huffington Post Thu, 25 Feb 2010 13:49 PM PST
I was a one, like so many today, with a body image distortion. And I could have ended up with Diabulimia, a condition affecting more and more young women and girls with type 1 or insulin dependent diabetes.

Stem Cell Therapy Removes Cell Receptor that Attracts HIV
Newswise Thu, 25 Feb 2010 13:46 PM PST
Researchers successfully removed CCR5 -- a cell receptor to which HIV-1 binds for infection but which the human body does not need -- from human cells. Individuals who naturally lack the CCR5 receptor have been found to be essentially resistant to HIV.

Breaking News
Herald and News Thu, 25 Feb 2010 13:38 PM PST
Mary Altaffer FILE - In this Feb. 5, 2010 file photo, members of the Medical Examiners Office remove the body of 8-year-old Jude Michael Mirra from the Peninsula Hotel in New York where his mother, Gigi Jordan, is accused of killing him.

M is for Motivation
USA Swimming Thu, 25 Feb 2010 13:34 PM PST
BY AIMEE KIMBALL, PhD//Correspondent If you asked most people if they wanted to wake up before 7 a.m., exhaust their body, and then do it again in the afternoon after a day of classes, most people would laugh and wonder who would actually want to do that.

Exploiting the body's own ability to fight a heart attack
EurekAlert! Thu, 25 Feb 2010 13:28 PM PST
Scientists trying to find a way to better help patients protect themselves against harm from a heart attack are taking their cues from cardiac patients. The work on "ischemic preconditioning" mirrors a perplexing curiosity that physicians have long observed in their patients: When faced with a heart attack, people who have had a previous one oftentimes fare better than patients who have never ...

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