Thursday, February 25, 2010

Y! Alert: Dlisted - Be Very Afraid

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The latest from Dlisted - Be Very Afraid

Before The Dollar Sign Top
Here's a 13-year-old Ke$ha torturing her peers while singing Radiohead's Karma Police at her junior high school talent show. Thom Yorke finally knows the cause of that severe heart burn and gas he suffered back on that particularly shitty day in 2000. And this is why being famous is the worst. Terrible shit you did when you didn't know any better (not that she knows any better now) comes back to terrorize you later in life. Most of us took a Lohan load of mind-altering substances just so we could try to forget all about the time we danced to a Rhythm Syndicate song in our 7th grade talent show.
Blind Items: I Guess, You Guess Top
This young actor is quickly working his way up in Hollywood. He has been doing anything he can imagine to cement himself in the industry. He almost didn't get the role that made him who he is because his sexuality is not hidden with people in the know. It's not that he flaunts it, it's quite the opposite. He doesn't even mention it at all, and has never been with a man. Or a woman for that matter. He refuses to play the dating game anymore since the one time they convinced him to do it, he ended up looking like a bigger ass than before. Now he just plays the type that is too busy for a relationship and refuses to do what is told. When threatened that if he didn't, no studio would ever work with him, what did he do? He told them he would make his own movies and that they could replace him and THEY could come up with a reason why. He knew he was instrumental to the studio and used it to his advantage. He promised would ruin the fame that they so quickly built up by exposing all of their PR set-ups. And if that were to happen, the world would implode. He got into the shark tank and fought fire with fire and won. Some older actors should take a page from his book. Not James Franco ( The Gossip Boy via ONTD ) The " shark " hint points me towards Taylor Lautner , because he played Shark Boy. But if it's not Taylor, then I'll say it's anybody else in Twilight. Actually, let's just say it's EVERYBODY in Twilight. Another don't look me in the eyes film set experience. Unlike yesterday when our actress indicated she didn't like don't look me in the eye notices, this former A list action actor and Academy Award nominee/winner who is now a struggling B- list loves having the don't talk to me and don't look me in the eye notices put up on set. During the most recent movie he filmed, the notices went up and a crew member said, "I don't think anyone has to worry about looking him in the eye because he is so damn short." After that remark, random crew members would point to the notices when the actor was around and everyone would start laughing. The actor had no idea the entire time that everyone was laughing at him. ( CDAN ) Mel Gibson ? And can somebody get this on camera now? This Blind is a little outrageous, but our source swears by it. This female actress, foreign born is reportedly in the closet, but has dealt with the rumors about her sexuality before. Before she was a star, she allegedly lived with her girlfriend, which also happens to be her aunt! We're not sure how this worked, but the source claims they were DEFINITELY more than family, if you catch our drift! Not a Milla Jovovich. ( BuzzFoto ) Yeah, I caught your drift and I'm throwing it back!


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