Saturday, November 27, 2010

Health News: [heart]

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Saturday, November 27, 2010 10:21 PM PST

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Heart surgeon shares talents with B-CS hospital
The Bryan-College Station Eagle Sat, 27 Nov 2010 22:19 PM PST
In 1998, a 20-year-old student at Texas A&M was the first person in the world to successfully undergo a heart autotransplant. The surgery involves a doctor removing the heart from the body, setting up a blood-pumping machine to regulate blood ...

Morrison remembered as respected mentor
The Hays Daily News Sat, 27 Nov 2010 22:04 PM PST
Jim Morrison was a state representative, optometrist and family man, and close friends and colleagues agree he'll be missed. Morrison died Wednesday at a Denver hospital while undergoing treatment for a heart condition.

High blood pressure in pregnancy a heart risk
The Delta Optimist Sat, 27 Nov 2010 21:59 PM PST
Women who had an increase in blood pressure during pregnancy are likely to develop heart disease at an earlier age than women who maintained normal blood pressure while they were pregnant, Chilean researchers report.

Waterville man journeys back from brain injury
Morning Sentinel Sat, 27 Nov 2010 21:56 PM PST
WATERVILLE -- Ray Duval, 72, sat down to breakfast on a Saturday morning about three years ago and his heart betrayed him: It stopped beating.

Authentic Thai Cuisine Moves in From Sidewalk Stalls
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Sat, 27 Nov 2010 21:18 PM PST
"CAN you breathe?" I asked my husband who, panting and flushed, seemed to be having a heart attack. I wasn't faring much better. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I used our menu to whip up a breeze from the sultry city air at Bo.lan, an attractive and ambitious Bangkok restaurant. The dish was hot. Very hot. But I couldn't resist going back for more.

Fatal blood clot genetic risk identified
Science Daily Sat, 27 Nov 2010 20:31 PM PST
Researchers can now better identifying people at risk of developing potentially fatal blood clots that can lead to heart attack.

Funeral services set for Rehoboth firefighter who died on Thanksgiving
The Taunton Gazette Sat, 27 Nov 2010 20:01 PM PST
Funeral services are set for a Rehoboth firefighter who died of a heart attack during a fire alarm call on Thanksgiving.

Soldier's death recognized as an Afghanistan casualty
The Sudbury Star Sat, 27 Nov 2010 19:35 PM PST
OTTAWA -- A soldier who died of a heart attack in February while on leave in Ottawa is being added to the official list of Canadian casualties from the mission in Afghanistan. Capt. Francis (Frank) Cecil Paul, a 53-year-old native of Badger, N.L., died Feb.[...]

Chi-Hi's Raykovich overcomes heart problems
The Chippewa Herald Sat, 27 Nov 2010 19:14 PM PST
The warning signs were there for Chuck Raykovich.

Strong heart: 6-year-old lives with rare defect
Newton Citizen Sat, 27 Nov 2010 19:05 PM PST
COVINGTON â€" Amanda McKenzie has watched her son Conner endure six open heart surgeries and face many life-threatening moments. At just 6 years old, little Conner has suffered more than most do in a lifetime. But he’s also stronger, smarter and more spiritually attuned than most adults.

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