Saturday, November 27, 2010

Health News: [heart]

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Saturday, November 27, 2010 2:21 PM PST

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Rehoboth mourns firefighter
The Sun Chronicle Sat, 27 Nov 2010 14:17 PM PST
REHOBOTH - Local firehouses were draped in black bunting Friday after a veteran third-generation firefighter died in the line of duty on Thanksgiving when he was stricken with an apparent heart attack while responding to a fire.

There's poetry in altruism
Los Angeles Times Sat, 27 Nov 2010 14:05 PM PST
Organ donor Jodi Tamen gets a hug from poet G. Murray Thomas, to whom she donated a kidney six months ago. Thomas called Tamen “a woman with only one kidney but a heart as big as the ocean.”

3 Missouri police officers sue over meth exposure
Columbia Missourian Sat, 27 Nov 2010 13:35 PM PST
KANSAS CITY â€" Three Missouri police officers are suing their current and former bosses over permanent injuries they suffered during a raid on a methamphetamine lab. Butler police officers Mark Frost, Harold Anderson and Kenneth Rush were hospitalized for about a week after the November 2007 raid. The lawsuit says they suffered from chemically induced pneumonia and heart murmurs. The Kansas City ...

Train driver dies on duty
The Telegraph Sat, 27 Nov 2010 13:27 PM PST
Calcutta, Nov. 27: The driver of a Panskura-bound local train from Howrah suffered a heart attack and died after the train reached the destination today.

Soldier's death recognized as an Afghanistan casualty
The Sudbury Star Sat, 27 Nov 2010 13:20 PM PST
OTTAWA -- A soldier who died of a heart attack in February while on leave in Ottawa is being added to the official list of Canadian casualties from the mission in Afghanistan. Capt. Francis (Frank) Cecil Paul, a 53-year-old native of Badger, N.L., died Feb.[...]

HHS sophomore stable after heart stops during basketball practice
The Healdsburg Tribune Sat, 27 Nov 2010 12:57 PM PST
Healdsburg High School sophomore Omar Davila is in stable condition at Oakland Children's Hospital this evening after his heart stopped during basketball practice this morning.

Woman dies 'of a broken heart' after learning her husband has passed away
CTV Winnipeg Sat, 27 Nov 2010 12:55 PM PST
The wife of a man who died in a crash in the RM of Springfield Thursday died shortly after receiving the news of her husband's death, family members said on Saturday.

Funeral, Wake Set For Rehoboth Firefighter
WBZ Boston Sat, 27 Nov 2010 12:31 PM PST
Funeral services have been set for a veteran Rehoboth firefighter who died of a heart attack on duty Thanksgiving night.

Funeral services set for Rehoboth firefighter
Boston Globe Sat, 27 Nov 2010 11:51 AM PST
Funeral services are set for a Rehoboth firefighter who died of a heart attack during a fire alarm call on Thanksgiving.

Motorman suffers stroke, guides train to end and dies
The Times of India Sat, 27 Nov 2010 11:46 AM PST
A motorman of a Kolkata local train, who felt a heart attack coming on, ignored his pain and continued to guide the train to its final destination, where he collapsed and died.

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