Saturday, February 2, 2013

Health News: [cancer]

Yahoo! Health - My Alerts - Edit Alert
Saturday, Feb 02, 2013 05:03 AM EST
Study shows how female steroid hormones can make changes to the breast genetic material
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 02:00 AM PST
Melbourne scientists have discovered how female steroid hormones can make dramatic changes to the genetic material in breast cells, changes that could potentially lead to breast cancer.
Quantum dots can rapidly deliver calcitriol to targeted tumor sites for treatment of IBC
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 01:44 AM PST
The shortened daylight of a Maine winter may make for long, dark nights - but it has shone a light on a novel experimental approach to fighting inflammatory breast cancer (IBC), an especially deadly form of breast cancer.
Young Mantecan dancer battles bone cancer
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 01:36 AM PST
Destiny Herrera is looking to kick cancer in the butt.
No ailments left for me - Morrissey
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 01:30 AM PST
Singer Morrissey has revealed he has been treated for a condition which in rare cases can lead to cancer. Related Stories Britney recording song for sons New Drake song revealed at Grammys? Roland Rat helps mark TV milestone Clarkson: I'm writing cheesy tunes Coldplay's Clocks tops 6 Music poll
V'land High goes red for good cause
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 01:20 AM PST
Vineland High School wearing red form a heart Friday to raise awareness of heart disease. / Staff photo/Craig Matthews Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women, and is more deadly than all forms of cancer combined.
More Local News
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 01:06 AM PST
Daffodil Days, a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society, continues through Feb. 20. For a donation of $10, supporters will receive a bouquet of 10 fresh-cut daffodils and for $15, you will receive a Cheer Bouquet of 10 daffodils in a special Daffodil Days vase.
Lansing poet, author loses battle with cancer
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 01:05 AM PST
Family and friends on Friday mourned Edward Lahti, a popular Lansing businessman, poet, children's book author and documentary film subject.
Victoria's Secret urged to make 'Survivor Bra'
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 12:58 AM PST
A breast cancer survivor and her daughter are urging Victoria's Secret to make a line of "survivor" mastectomy bras.
Rod Stewart pal auctions off a week at his £10million holiday home in Barbados for Aberdeen charity
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 12:37 AM PST
RICKY SIMPSON is offering people the chance to live in his mansion for a week with all the proceeds of the auction going towards a cancer centre in Aberdeen.
Chavez Successfully Finished Postoperative Treatment
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 12:37 AM PST
Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez has successfully passed his postoperative treatment an his recovery from cancer is doing well. This was revealed by VP Nicolas Maduro Moros, who said that Chavez has entered into a new phase of his treatment and is "gathering strength." Maduro added that the Presdent has met in Havana Venezuela Parliament Speaker Diosdado Cabello and Minister of Defense Diego ...

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