Monday, February 25, 2013

Health News: [heart]

Yahoo! Health - My Alerts - Edit Alert
Monday, Feb 25, 2013 05:21 PM EST - Chattanooga's source for breaking local news
Mon, 25 Feb, 2013 02:18 PM PST
County Finance Director Louis Wright was rushed to a hospital from his home on Monday morning after suffering an apparent heart attack. He underwent surgery later in the day.
Heart To Hand Ministries
Mon, 25 Feb, 2013 02:18 PM PST
Woody Wolfe’s Heart To Hand Ministries has been visiting hospitalized children for more that 20 years. To learn more about...
2013 NFL Draft: DT Star Lotulelei's Health Comes First, as It Should in the NFL
Mon, 25 Feb, 2013 02:15 PM PST
Former Utah DT Star Lotulelei was set to showcase his skills at the NFL Scouting Combine Monday, February 25â€"but that was before an echocardiogram showed the NFL prospect had a heart irregularity. ESPN's Chris Mortenson reported on February 25 , "Lotulelei was discovered to have an abnormally low Ejection Fraction, detecting that the left ventricle of his heart was pumping at only 44 percent ...
The Latest Fitness Developments with Bluetooth Smart by HRWC
Mon, 25 Feb, 2013 02:14 PM PST
Heart rate monitors , GPS watches and bike computers are starting to adopt Bluetooth Smart so they do not get left behind as the inter-device communication standard advances. Here is the most current status of how Bluetooth Smart is affecting fitness and what is likely to come next. (PRWeb February 25, 2013) Read the full story at
This is why players are paid to play
Mon, 25 Feb, 2013 02:07 PM PST
Cliff Lee on former Rangers teammate Michael Young, and now teammate on the Phillies, on how the Rangers handled him, from Jayson Stark's story: "I think that baffled a lot of people who were around that organization. Like I said, he was the heart and soul of that team for a long time, and I can't understand their thinking on a few of the moves they made with him. He's a really good player. I ...
Papal conclave could start next week, Detroit-based Vatican consultant says
Mon, 25 Feb, 2013 02:02 PM PST
The secret Conclave of Cardinals to choose the next pope could start as soon as next week now that Pope Benedict XVI changed the rules, Edward Peters, a Detroit-based Vatican consultant on Roman Catholic church law, said today. "The actual start date is still undetermined. But I think it's going to be very early in March," said Peters, who teaches canon law at Detroit's Sacred Heart Major ...
Judges hear arguments over NC district maps
Mon, 25 Feb, 2013 01:54 PM PST
Attorneys for those who challenged North Carolina's boundaries for General Assembly and congressional seats began making arguments over the heart of the litigation Monday, accusing out-of-state mapmakers of creating lines that diminished the influence of black voters.
Painting the change
Mon, 25 Feb, 2013 01:53 PM PST
Delhi painted its heart out this weekend. More than 500 Delhi-based artists splashed a one-km wall outside the DU Vice Chancellor's office with colours, as part of an event called Delhi Wallbook. They were asked to depict the changes they want to see in the City with the theme 'Design the change.' Delhi Wallbook is an initiative of Brand Promotions India supported by Tata Housing. The first ...
Lotulelei, top NFL draft prospect from Utah, has heart ailment
Mon, 25 Feb, 2013 01:52 PM PST
INDIANAPOLIS â€" Top draft prospect Star Lotulelei will undergo more extensive heart tests when he returns to Utah. Doctors at the NFL’s annual scouting combine in Indianapolis found the star defensive tackle and likely high pick has a heart condition, Lotulelei’s agent, Bruce Tollner, confirmed in a series of emails with The Associated Press on Monday. read more
Mediterranean-Style Diets Found to Cut Heart Risks
Mon, 25 Feb, 2013 01:52 PM PST
Pour on the olive oil, preferably over fish and vegetables: One of the longest and most scientific tests of a Mediterranean diet suggests this style of eating...

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