Monday, February 25, 2013

Keyword: [obama]: Say no to armed guards in schools | Ashley Lauren Samsa

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Monday, Feb 25, 2013 12:15 PM EST
Say no to armed guards in schools | Ashley Lauren Samsa
Mon, 25 Feb, 2013 09:13 AM PST
I want to protect the safety of my students more than anything else, but adding guns in schools is not the way to do it In the wake of the Newtown tragedy, NRA executive vice president Wayne LaPierre stated, "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun." The NRA also ran ads calling President Obama a hypocrite for sending his daughters to a school where armed guards ...
Obama Urges Congress to `Compromise' on Cuts
Mon, 25 Feb, 2013 09:13 AM PST
President Barack Obama says Congress can keep across-the-board cuts from taking effect with ``just a little bit of compromise.''
Carriers aside, budget crisis hits Army in Virginia, too
Mon, 25 Feb, 2013 09:11 AM PST
President Obama visits Newport News Shipbuilding Tuesday to discuss the federal budget crisis, where he can focus on the harm to the Navy's mighty carrier fleet and the nation's one-of-a-kind shipyard.
All talk, no action in DC
Mon, 25 Feb, 2013 09:11 AM PST
What the sequester debate has turned into: all posturing and rhetoric -- but no action… The debate also has turned into about what Bob Woodward wrote over the weekend… GOP message on sequester is all over the place… What a busy week it will be -- Obama to VA, Hagel confirmation vote, IL-2 special, NBC/WSJ poll, and sequester deadline… And Team Obama promises additional access for big donors ...
Stockman: Two-thirds of White House’s anti-gun supporters are fake spambots
Mon, 25 Feb, 2013 09:10 AM PST
WASHINGTON, D.C. â€" A study of messages received by Congressman Steve Stockman (R-Texas 36) reveals two-thirds of the “grassroots supporters” backing President Barack Obama’s #WeDemandAVote anti-gun ca
Who Won Oscar Gold Last Night?
Mon, 25 Feb, 2013 09:10 AM PST
From First Lady Michelle Obama handing out the Best Picture award to Best Actress winner Jennifer Lawrence taking a tumble, the 85th Academy Awards was full of surprises. Host Michel Martin recaps the evening with People magazine's movie critic, Alynda Wheat.
Kerry affirms 'special relationship' with UK
Mon, 25 Feb, 2013 09:10 AM PST
New US secretary of state John Kerry reaffirmed the “special relationship” between Britain and America today as he made London his first overseas destination after being appointed Barack Obama’s foreign affairs head earlier this month.
President Obama Urges Congress to 'Compromise' on Cuts
Mon, 25 Feb, 2013 09:10 AM PST
President Barack Obama says Congress can keep across-the-board cuts from taking effect with "just a little bit of compromise."
Obama asks Republican governors for cooperation
Mon, 25 Feb, 2013 09:09 AM PST
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) - President Barack Obama on Monday asked Republican governors to work with his administration and avoid "manufactured" crises. "There are more areas where we can do a lot more cooperating than we've over the last several years," Obama said in remarks to the National Governors Association meeting at the White House. Obama focused his remarks on the parts of his agenda ...
First lady presses governors on veterans' jobs
Mon, 25 Feb, 2013 09:09 AM PST
First lady Michelle Obama on Monday challenged governors to make it easier for military personnel to transfer their skills to civilian jobs as they return home from Afghanistan and other far-f…

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