Friday, March 29, 2013

Daily News: Blogs - TSA agent accidentally pepper sprays fellow agents

Thursday, Mar 28, 2013 03:29 PM PDT
Today's Blogs - Yahoo! News:

TSA agent accidentally pepper sprays fellow agents 
Thursday, Mar 28, 2013 03:29 PM PDT
An incident that reportedly led a TSA agent to accidentally shoot five fellow employees with pepper spray left Kennedy International Airport with mud in its eye. According to the New York Post, the stinging substance that is meant to be aimed at the face, and can cause major eye irritation, sent all six airport security [...]
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The drive from Adam Lanza’s house to Sandy Hook Elementary School 
Thursday, Mar 28, 2013 03:11 PM PDT
NEWTOWN, Conn.—There are, in essence, two possible routes you can take from Adam Lanza's house, a two-story, pale yellow colonial nestled in an affluent hillside development here, to Sandy Hook Elementary School. The shortest—a scenic, five-mile, 10-minute drive—takes you past rolling hills, tree-dotted farmland, rivers and ponds; past clapboard houses tucked in the woods; past [...]
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Teen makes tearful apology to wisdom teeth after surgery 
Thursday, Mar 28, 2013 03:01 PM PDT
Some people will tell you that pain is the basis of spiritual growth. Sorrow, regret and eventually letting go are life lessons we all go through at some point. But not all of us experience those painfully emotional moments in association with our wisdom teeth. And even fewer have had to deal with the moment [...]
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Adults text more than teens while driving 
Thursday, Mar 28, 2013 01:57 PM PDT
As adults continue to mirror the social media habits of the nation's youth, it appears some of the bad behaviors are being adopted as well. In fact, the grown-ups have apparently become the greater offenders when it comes to one particularly dangerous behavior: Texting while driving. That's according to a new study conducted by AT&T, [...]
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Kennedy will decide gay marriage cases, but how? 
Thursday, Mar 28, 2013 01:15 PM PDT
Few things were certain after the Supreme Court's first foray into the issue of gay marriage earlier this week—except that conservative-leaning swing vote Justice Anthony Kennedy will control the outcome. The four liberal and the four conservative justices appeared to split right down the middle on how (and whether) to decide the constitutionality of both [...]
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Man accused of drinking over $100K in vintage whiskey says it didn’t happen 
Thursday, Mar 28, 2013 01:11 PM PDT
A man accused of drinking $102,000 worth of vintage whiskey says he's innocent. reports that nine cases of the rare booze were discovered when the historic J.P. Brennan mansion in Scottdale, Pa., was renovated and turned into South Broadway Manor Bed and Breakfast. The owner of the B&B, Patricia Hill, hired John W. Saunders [...]
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Obama to release budget April 10 
Thursday, Mar 28, 2013 10:49 AM PDT
President Barack Obama's fiscal 2014 budget (finally) has a release date, White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters on Thursday: April 10. By law, the president's blueprint for taxes and spending is technically due the first Monday in February, which this year was Feb. 4, but the deadline came and went without [...]
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Man who faked his death arrested again 
Thursday, Mar 28, 2013 10:45 AM PDT
First, he faked his death. Now that same man has allegedly impersonated a cop. Twice. According to the New York Post, Raymond Roth, who was arrested last year for faking his own drowning at a beach off Long Island, is suspected of trying two times to lure women into his van by pretending to be [...]
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BBC show highlights Prince William’s helicopter rescues 
Thursday, Mar 28, 2013 10:25 AM PDT
Prince William: reality TV star. Well, sort of. The future king of England's day job is that of a helicopter rescue pilot for the Royal Air Force. A new BBC documentary on such pilots, appropriately called "Helicopter Rescue," shows what that's like for Flight Lieutenant Wales. In the series' first episode, which will air on [...]
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Obama urges Congress to pass gun-control legislation 100 days after Newtown 
Thursday, Mar 28, 2013 09:25 AM PDT
President Barack Obama spoke at the White House with rows of grieving mothers behind him and publicly implored Congress to pass gun-reform legislation 100 days after the Sandy Hook Elementary School mass shootings in Newtown, Conn. "We've cried enough. We've known enough heartbreak. ... It's something that if we are serious, we will do," Obama [...]
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Birthday party leads to embezzlement charges for Florida woman 
Thursday, Mar 28, 2013 08:29 AM PDT
Throwing a birthday party for your boss is usually a good idea. Unless, of course, you're accused of embezzling from the company and the party leads the boss to question your accounting practices, perform an audit and contact law enforcement. In that instance, the party might have been a mistake. According to the Sun Sentinel, [...]
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How is the sequester affecting you? Yahoo News readers respond 
Thursday, Mar 28, 2013 08:11 AM PDT
Forget the cancellation of White House tours. We asked Yahoo News readers to tell us how the deep automatic federal spending cuts known as the sequester are affecting their lives right now. And readers responded. "We are cutting our spending and living more frugally because it looks like an $800 per month pay cut will [...]
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Newtown families appear in Bloomberg anti-gun ads 
Thursday, Mar 28, 2013 08:06 AM PDT
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's anti-gun group, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, released two television ads featuring family members of those killed in the December massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., calling for tougher guns laws. The ads—one is 60 seconds, the other is 90 seconds—feature the relatives talking about their loved [...]
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Rush Limbaugh: Same-sex marriage will be legal nationwide 
Thursday, Mar 28, 2013 06:27 AM PDT
On his radio program on Wednesday, conservative host Rush Limbaugh predicted that same-sex marriage would eventually be made legal "nationwide," regardless of how the Supreme Court rules in cases on the subject later this year. From the show transcript: A lot of people have no personal animus against gay people at all. It's instead, you [...]
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