Friday, March 1, 2013

Keyword: [obama]: White House asks justices to reject Prop. 8

Yahoo! News - My Alerts - Edit Alert
Friday, Mar 01, 2013 04:15 AM EST
White House asks justices to reject Prop. 8
Fri, 01 Mar, 2013 01:13 AM PST
In a Supreme Court brief backing same-sex marriage, the Obama administration makes an argument that would also affect laws in seven other states. WASHINGTON â€" The Obama administration has urged the Supreme Court to strike down California's voter-passed law barring same-sex marriage, arguing for the first time that the Constitution protects an equal right to marry for gays and lesbians.
First lady: Not surprised by reaction to Oscars Fri, 01 Mar, 2013 01:13 AM PST
CHICAGO (AP) â€" Michelle Obama says it was "absolutely not surprising" to her that her satellite appearance at the Academy Awards ceremony provoked a national conversation about whether it was appropriate, after some conservative critics accused her of selfishly crashing the event in an attempt to upstage it.
Congress passes bill renewing Violence Against Women Act
Fri, 01 Mar, 2013 01:09 AM PST
WASHINGTON â€" The House on Thursday passed and sent to President Barack Obama a far-reaching extension of the Violence Against Women Act. The vote came after House Republican leaders, cognizant of divisions in their own ranks and the need to improve their faltering image among women voters, accepted a bill that cleared the Senate two weeks ago on a strong bipartisan vote.
Michelle Obama: Reaction to her Academy Awards experience was 'absolutely not surprising' Fri, 01 Mar, 2013 01:09 AM PST
CHICAGO - Michelle Obama says it was "absolutely not surprising" to her that her satellite appearance at the Academy Awards ceremony provoked a national conversation about whether it was appropriate, after some conservative critics accused her of selfishly crashing the event in an attempt to upstage it.
Tyler the Creator Makes Faces Behind Donald Trump’s Back in Epic Photobomb
Fri, 01 Mar, 2013 01:08 AM PST
Poor Donald Trump … He never even saw it coming. While Tyler the Creator was at Jimmy Fallon’s studios taping a performance, he and his Odd Future cohort Taco ran into everyone’s favorite hair-plug wearing, Obama-birth-certificate-denying, right-wing multimillionaire. More »
Obama to urge Supreme Court to overturn California gay marriage ban
Fri, 01 Mar, 2013 01:07 AM PST
WASHINGTON (AP) â€" The Obama administration on Thursday will ask the Supreme Court to overturn California's ban on gay marriage and take a skeptical view of similar bans elsewhere, according to a person familiar with the government's legal filing in the California case.
First lady praises healthy food efforts
Fri, 01 Mar, 2013 01:05 AM PST
When Michelle Obama launched the Let's Move! campaign three years ago, she heard from a lot of doubters.
Rosa Parks statue unveiled at US Capitol
Fri, 01 Mar, 2013 01:01 AM PST
US President Barack Obama has helped unveil a statue at the US Capitol of activist Rosa Parks.
Jay Ambrose: Blame for sequestration comes back to Obama Fri, 01 Mar, 2013 01:00 AM PST
“Spit in the ocean” â€" it’s a phrase that’s well-worn, and for a reason, namely that it sums up so splendidly the idea of something that is itsy-bitsy relative to something very, very big.
Letter: Actually think Fri, 01 Mar, 2013 01:00 AM PST
Robert F. Tate, Naples: I wondered how long it would take before letters began appearing criticizing Michelle Obama's involvement with the Oscars.

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