Wednesday, August 26, 2009

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Wednesday, August 26, 2009 2:33 PM PDT

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Qld boy found dead in Rome
BigPond News Wed, 26 Aug 2009 14:25 PM PDT
A body found in Rome with a severe head wound has been identified as a 20-year-old was from Queensland.

Lower Moreland police seek help in identifying body
Times Chronicle & Glenside News & The Globe Wed, 26 Aug 2009 13:09 PM PDT
Nearly six months after a decomposed body was found in the wooded area along the fence line of the Island Green Golf Course, toxicology reports show drugs may have been the cause of death.

Ted Kennedy to be buried next to brothers
UPI Wed, 26 Aug 2009 12:38 PM PDT
BOSTON, Aug. 26 (UPI) -- The body of Sen. Edward Kennedy will lie in repose at his brother's presidential library before a funeral at a historic Boston church, officials said Wednesday.

Atlanta-based Med Tech Company CardioMEMS Raises Additional Capital to Advance its CHAMPION Clinical Trial for its ...
redOrbit Wed, 26 Aug 2009 12:09 PM PDT
ATLANTA, Aug. 26 /PRNewswire/ -- CardioMEMS, Inc., a medical technology company that has developed and is commercializing proprietary wireless sensing and communication technology for the human body, today announced the completion of a $22.1M financing.

Research Report: Deep-sea worms are 'green bombers'
La Jolla Light Wed, 26 Aug 2009 11:49 AM PDT
Seven previously unknown species of swimming worms (some nearly 4 inches long) have been discovered by scientists using remotely operated vehicles at ocean depths between 6,000 and 12,000 feet. Some of the worms have the ability to release body parts that produce a brilliant green bioluminescent display. Why the worms do this is unknown. Transparent except for the gut area, the worms feature a ...

From a family of poets
The Petaluma Argus-Courier Wed, 26 Aug 2009 11:30 AM PDT
Donna Emerson is author of “Body Rhymes,” a book of poems centered on the wisdom of the body.

Defending champions reign at 20th Vineman Triathlon
The Healdsburg Tribune Wed, 26 Aug 2009 11:04 AM PDT
Cool weather and record numbers marked the 20th running of the Full Vineman triathlon on Saturday, with more than 600 athletes putting mind and body to the ultimate test.

Local News Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:36 AM PDT
Two-thirds of organ donors in China are executed prisoners, state media reported today, as health officials launched a national donation system. The authorities have previously acknowledged that corneas, kidneys and other body parts from criminals have been transplanted.

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