Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Health News: [brain]

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Wednesday, August 26, 2009 2:12 PM PDT

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UPDATE: Kennedy's civil rights work remembered
Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal Wed, 26 Aug 2009 14:11 PM PDT
JACKSON â€" Sen. Edward Kennedy is being remembered by some Mississippians for his work to defend civil rights. Charles Evers, a longtime civil rights activist in Mississippi, said "American has lost one giant." Kennedy died Tuesday of brain cancer. He was 77.

Praise for Kennedy: 'Singular figure' in America
Stillwater NewsPress Wed, 26 Aug 2009 14:09 PM PDT
HYANNIS PORT, Mass. (AP) â€" Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts, last surviving brother in an American political dynasty and one of the most influential senators in history, died at his home on Cape Cod after a yearlong struggle with brain cancer. He was 77.

Mass. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy dies at age 77
Eastern Shore News Wed, 26 Aug 2009 14:07 PM PDT
BOSTON â€" Sen. Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts, the last surviving brother in a political dynasty and one of the most influential senators in history, died Tuesday night at his home on Cape Cod after a year-long struggle with brain cancer. He was 77.

Praise for Kennedy: 'Singular figure' inAmerica
FOX 11 Santa Maria Wed, 26 Aug 2009 14:04 PM PDT
Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts, last surviving brother in an American political dynasty and one of the most influential senators in history, died at his home on Cape Cod after a yearlong struggle with brain cancer. He...

Health: Brain Cancer Awareness
CBS 3 Philadelphia Wed, 26 Aug 2009 14:02 PM PDT
Senator Edward Kennedy had a deadly form of brain cancer, diagnosed just over a year ago. Doctors say malignant brain tumors are on the rise. It wasn't Kennedy's first battle with cancer.

Today from VOA:
Voice of America Wed, 26 Aug 2009 14:00 PM PDT
The late U.S. Senator Edward Kennedy was not just an American political figure, he also made a distinct mark around the world. Praise from international leaders has been pouring in since the news of his passing from brain cancer.

Edward Kennedy dies at age 77
The Morning Sun Wed, 26 Aug 2009 13:54 PM PDT
Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, the liberal lion of the Senate and haunted bearer of the Camelot torch after two of his brothers fell to assassins' bullets, has died at his home in Hyannis Port after battling a brain tumor. He was 77.

Obama praises Kennedy for giving voices to the voiceless
New England Cable News Wed, 26 Aug 2009 13:52 PM PDT
(NECN: Ally Donnelly, Oak Bluffs, Mass.) - President Barack Obama is vacationing on Martha's Vineyard this week and this morning he made some comments about his colleague, the late Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy. Kennedy, 77, lost his battle with brain cancer on Tuesday night. The President says he and the First Lady are heartbroken. President Barack Obama says Kennedy's work in Congress ...

Cape Cod residents, reporters gather outside Kennedy compound
New England Cable News Wed, 26 Aug 2009 13:52 PM PDT
(NECN: Scot Yount, Hyannis Port, Mass.) - The road leading to the Kennedy family compound in Hyannis Port has turned into an impromptu memorial site as Cape Cod residents leave tributes to their neighbor, Sen. Ted Kennedy. Kennedy died Tuesday night at his home after a year-long battle with a cancerous brain tumor. He was 77. Police blocked access to the compound as many gather outside. Florists ...

Kennedy's cancer puts focus on quality of life
The Lafayette Daily Advertiser Wed, 26 Aug 2009 13:48 PM PDT
He lived 15 months with an incurable brain tumor, a little longer than usual for a patient in his late 70s. Perhaps equally important is that Sen. Edward M. Kennedy lived those months well â€" able to work almost to the end, to sail the choppy New England waters he adored, to help elect a president he supported, and even to give him a dog.

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