Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Health News: [heart]

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Wednesday, August 26, 2009 2:21 PM PDT

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Spector's Leader of the Pack songwriter dead at 68
Australian Broadcasting Corporation Wed, 26 Aug 2009 14:19 PM PDT
Ellie Greenwich, one of America's foremost songwriters of the rock'n'roll era, has died in New York of a heart attack at the age of 68.

Newer, more sensitive blood tests can detect heart attacks earlier and better, studies show
Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune Wed, 26 Aug 2009 14:19 PM PDT
LOS ANGELES - A new generation of blood tests can quickly and reliably show if a person is having a heart attack soon after chest pains start รข€" a time when current tests are not definitive, two studies found.

Alegent marks fourth year as national quality leader
Logan Herald-Observer & Woodbine Twiner Wed, 26 Aug 2009 14:03 PM PDT
For the fourth straight year, Alegent Health has been named a top performer in a national study that rewards hospitals for delivering high quality care in five clinical areas: Acute Myocardial Infarction or heart attack; heart failure; coronary artery bypass graft; pneumonia; hip and knee replacement.

Newer, Better Tests for Heart Attacks
HealthDay via Yahoo! News Wed, 26 Aug 2009 14:03 PM PDT
WEDNESDAY, Aug. 26 (HealthDay News) -- Two new European reports should help doctors decide which tests they choose to use for diagnosing possible heart attacks in emergency room patients, cardiologists say.

Pop songwriter Ellie Greenwich dies in New York
Reuters via Yahoo!Xtra News Wed, 26 Aug 2009 13:59 PM PDT
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Songwriter Ellie Greenwich, who helped shape pop music in the 1960s with such memorable tunes as "Chapel of Love" and "Da Doo Ron Ron ," died of a heart attack at a New York hospital Wednesday, her manager said.

Nike Introduces US Open Looks Wed, 26 Aug 2009 13:55 PM PDT
As excitement builds for the season ending grand slam, NIKE today unveiled its US Open apparel and footwear for Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal, Maria Sharapova and Serena Williams at a Nike-built, regulation-sized tennis court in the heart of Manhattan . At the temporary court, located at 23rd Street and Broadway , tennis fans and youth from New York Junior Tennis League , Athletes for Charity, New ...

Ellie Greenwich, leading '60s songwriter, is dead
USA Today Wed, 26 Aug 2009 13:41 PM PDT
Ellie Greenwich, a major 1960s songwriter whose legendary hits included "Be My Baby", "Da Doo Ron Ron", "River Deep, Mountain High" and "Leader of the Pack," died of a heart attack earlier today in a New York hospital. She was 68. Greenwich also discovered Neil Diamond and contributed backing vocals on some of his hits. "Ellie Greenwich was one of the most important people in my career. She ...

Run-ins, heart-to-hearts and laughs with Ted Kennedy
CNN Wed, 26 Aug 2009 13:40 PM PDT
Sen. Ted Kennedy left a mark not only on history, but also on the lives of the those he encountered during his nearly 50 years in public service.

Women More Prone to Die in Month After Heart Attack Wed, 26 Aug 2009 13:33 PM PDT
Title: Women More Prone to Die in Month After Heart Attack Category: Health News Created: 8/25/2009 4:10:00 PM Last Editorial Review: 8/26/2009

Supes OK commercial rehab plan
Sonoma Index-Tribune Wed, 26 Aug 2009 13:19 PM PDT
Now that the first phase of the Highway 12 project in the Springs is almost complete and the Sonoma Valley Community Health Center is hoping to buy property for a new 20,000-square-foot facility in the heart of the redevelopment district, more changes - albeit cosmetic changes - should be coming to the corridor.

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