Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Keyword News: [movie]

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Wednesday, August 26, 2009 1:39 PM PDT

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Movie Review: Goldthwait pushes it in the truly twisted dark comedy `World's Greatest Dad'
Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune Wed, 26 Aug 2009 13:33 PM PDT
LOS ANGELES - This is tricky: How to talk about "World's Greatest Dad," the latest comedy from Bobcat Goldthwait, without giving away all its twists and twisted details?

Wednesday August 26, 2009 - 16:32 EST
Rolling Good Times Wed, 26 Aug 2009 13:32 PM PDT
The Reel Life enjoys watching movies when taking a break from the online slots. But sometimes we'll kill two birds with one stone and watch a movie while playing a slot.

Mysterious Rigging Added to the Dawn Treader's Mast
Narnia Web Wed, 26 Aug 2009 13:27 PM PDT
NarniaWebber icarus discovered a new picture of the Dawn Treader on "Kylie's" flickr account. They have added some mysterious structural pieces to the top of the Dawn Treader's center mast. We believe that it is the rigging that the bottom half of the sail will hang from. As icarus pointed out, in the movie Master and Commander , the full set of masts and sails on the ship were too heavy for the ...

Graham King - Kings Wife Blasts Meg Ryan Rumours
ContactMusic Wed, 26 Aug 2009 13:24 PM PDT
Movie producer GRAHAM KING's wife is furious at reports the Hollywood hotshot is dating actress MEG RYAN.Rumours circulated earlier this year (09) after the pair - who...

Cinema serving wine, beer
The Healdsburg Tribune Wed, 26 Aug 2009 13:22 PM PDT
As a few movie-goers grabbed their popcorn and Jujubes for the Monday afternoon matinee at the Raven Film Center, others were headed to the over-21 section to catch a flick as well â€" except they were ordering beer or wine with their snacks.

Tucker Max's Movie: Poop [Reviews]
Gawker Wed, 26 Aug 2009 13:20 PM PDT
Last night I went and watched the upcoming Tucker Max movie, in full. Here is what I saw, before I erase it from my mind entirely. It was bad. It was really bad. It was not bad in the good way. It...

Leonardo DiCaprio Gets Super Skinny for New Action Film
Teen Hollywood Wed, 26 Aug 2009 13:06 PM PDT
Leonardo DiCaprio is set to become the latest celebrity to get seriously skinny for a film role. The movie hunk faces a weighty battle to lose a pile of pounds for his new movie Inception, which has been written by The Dark Knight director Christopher Nolan.

CW Holds Vampire Diaries-Themed Blood Drives
TV Guide Wed, 26 Aug 2009 13:05 PM PDT
The CW is kicking off its new Vampire Diaries series with a very fitting marketing campaign â€" a blood drive. Check out photos of our favorite TV and movie vampires The "Starve a Vampire. Donate Blood" initiative, which began Aug. 25 and runs for five weeks, will hit up ... Read More Other Links From Vampire Diaries

Orphan: Movie Review
TVNZ Wed, 26 Aug 2009 13:02 PM PDT's Darren Bevan braves the latest spooky kid outing Orphan

Locally filmed 'Taking Woodstock' hits theaters Friday
WRGB Albany Wed, 26 Aug 2009 12:58 PM PDT
The Ang Lee movie shot in Columbia County last year is finally hitting theaters this Friday -- but before you go watch "Taking Woodstock," take a look at our local coverage of the film production right here!

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