The latest from The Full Feed from
- Jack Tweed, Widower Of British Reality Star Jade Goody, Charged With Rape
- Evicted 'Housewife' Accused Of Stealing Furniture
- No Prosecution For Guard Accused Of Shoving Stephanie Seymour
- Tim Gunn Becomes A Comic Book Crimefighter
- Josh Nelson: I Stand with Van Jones
- Tallulah Morehead: Big Brother 11: Hairy Potter & the Order of the Doofus.
Jack Tweed, Widower Of British Reality Star Jade Goody, Charged With Rape | Top |
LONDON — The widower of British reality TV star Jade Goody has appeared in court on a rape charge. Police in London say they charged 22-year-old Jack Tweed after receiving a complaint from a woman. At a court hearing Saturday he was ordered detained until a further appearance Sept. 21. Tweed and Goody married in February, a month before her death at 27 from cervical cancer. Weeks later Tweed was jailed for 12 weeks for attacking a cab driver. He has said he has struggled to cope with Goody's death. Goody was a brash former dental nurse who became famous in 2002 when she appeared on reality TV show "Big Brother." Her public life and death became a national soap opera, and the cause of soul-searching about the nature of celebrity. | |
Evicted 'Housewife' Accused Of Stealing Furniture | Top |
Not only did "Real Housewife of Orange County" Lynne Curtin not own the house she was living in, she also didn't own the furniture ... and now she's accused of stealing a bunch of stuff after she moved out this week. The actual homeowner claims Curtin stole a bookcase, credenza, armoire and a glass shelf -- worth around $5,000 -- and reported the alleged thievery to Laguna Beach Police Department yesterday. More on The Real Housewives | |
No Prosecution For Guard Accused Of Shoving Stephanie Seymour | Top |
STAMFORD, Conn. — A criminal charge against a security guard who was accused of shoving former supermodel Stephanie Seymour into a door at her Connecticut home is being dismissed if he can stay out of trouble. Seymour got into a dispute with guard Joseph Babnik in June when he was watching the Greenwich estate of her estranged husband, billionaire newsprint magnate Peter Brant. Babnik told police Seymour had taken documents from him and he was trying to get them back. The former New York City police officer from Carmel, N.Y., was arrested and given a misdemeanor summons on a disorderly conduct charge. But the state's attorney on Friday declined to prosecute the case after Seymour and Babnik reached a closed-door agreement. The charge will be dismissed in a year if Babnik isn't arrested again. Lawyers for Seymour and Babnik have declined to comment. ___ Information from: The Advocate, | |
Tim Gunn Becomes A Comic Book Crimefighter | Top |
NEW YORK — Tim Gunn is taking his fight against fashion crimes from the workrooms of "Project Runway" to the pages of a comic book. And, wow, does he get to wear a power suit. The "Loaded Gunn" story line – to save an exhibit of extraordinary superhero clothes from a cadre of villains – is part of a book that reintroduces a group of Marvel's high-fashion "Models Inc." comic characters from the 1960s. "It's a little `America's Next Top Model' – without Tyra (Banks) – and a little `Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,'" says Marvel editor Charlie Beckerman. The Gunn project evolved on a whim, but it turned out Gunn was a childhood comic fan and a good sport, Beckerman says. Gunn says the experience has been "the most bizarre thing." "It's exciting and exhilarating, but bizarre. When they came to me, I said, `I'm about to turn 56 years old. Are they crazy?' But it kept revealing itself in layers and next thing, I'm wearing the `Iron Man' suit. I was dumbstruck." Personally, Gunn says he always fancied himself more of a Batman type, but he's pleased with the result. "Most superheroes are fighting the same thing – good vs. evil – but who's taking on crimes against fashion? Me!" The biggest offense, hands down: clothes that don't fit properly, Gunn says. And, if he had the truly incredible power to remove one item from closets all around the world, no question it would be Crocs. "It's the No. 1 fashion crime item – and I see it a lot," Gunn says. | |
Josh Nelson: I Stand with Van Jones | Top |
Join us at to show your unwavering support for White House green jobs advisor Van Jones. Like sharks in the water, a right-wing lynch mob led by notorious race-baiter Glenn Beck is now circling around White House green jobs advisor Van Jones. On the surface, their complaint centers around Jones' background and statements he previously made as an activist. Specifically, conservative blogs and media outlets have seized on a harshly-worded petition Jones signed in 2004 demanding further investigations into the 9/11 attacks. Jones has clarified since then , saying of the petition that "it certainly does not reflect my views, now or ever." But this is little more than the right-wing manufactured faux-outrage du jour. Beck began aggressively going after Jones in the wake of a campaign targeting Beck's advertisers -- organized by Color of Change -- an advocacy organization Jones founded prior to taking a position in the administration. Sadly, the Obama administration appears to be wavering in its support of Jones. This is not acceptable. A decision to throw one of their most charismatic communicators under the bus in a vein attempt to placate a racist witch-hunt would be both foolish and ineffective. Van Jones is exactly the type of principled and effective leader we need more of in government -- not less. President Obama should make a strong public statement as soon as possible, reiterating his full support for green jobs advisor Van Jones. Fight Back 1. Show your support for Van Jones by using the #supportvan hashtag on Twitter. Your tweet will be displayed in the grid on . 2. Sign the Color of Change petition asking Glenn Beck's advertisers to stop supporting Beck's hateful agenda. You can also donate to Color of Change here . 3. Become a Fan of Van Jones on Facebook. Statements of Support Brad Johnson at The Wonk Room writes: White House green jobs advisor Van Jones is under attack from Fox News as an "avowed radical revolutionary communist" and from ABC News as a "truther" with a "history of incendiary and provocative remarks." In an attempt to assassinate the character of Van Jones, the right-wing media are distorting his past political activism and cherry-picking Jones's critiques of the pollution and injustice that still haunt this nation. However, Jones's true record is one of turning away from anger and finding hope, abandoning division and seeking consensus. David Roberts at Grist writes: This is all about bitch-slap politics . If Jones drops out, think Beck or the right-wing slime industry will stop? Think they won't keep going after Carol Browner, John Holdren, and the rest--twisting and attacking every word and gesture from the Obama administration? "Uncovering" people as wildly caricatured leftists? Faux-populist fear merchants are like sharks; they have to keep moving, keep eating. There's no sating them. Letting Beck bag Jones would be like chum in the water. Adam Siegel at Get Energy Smart Now writes: Fox's Beck has turned his attention from President Barack Obama to increasingly vitriolic and deceptive attacks on a White House staff member, Van Jones, who has responsibilities related to Green Jobs. Beck's attacks are deceptive and despicable, on multiple levels, and demean not just Jones, but American democracy and the very concept of moving forward toward a more prosperous America, for both the nation and its citizens. Martin Bosworth tweets : read #VanJones' "The Green Collar Economy" last year & was mesmerized. It's a brilliant plan of action & I #supportVan fully. #green #p2 #fb San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom : "Van Jones and Mayor Newsom are good friends and the mayor stands by him," Newsom spokesman Nathan Ballard said Friday Sarah Robinson at Blog For Our Future writes: But we know this for sure: If Beck succeeds in damaging Jones and Color of Change -- a decision that's largely in the hands President Obama -- you can count on this being the start of a fast and furious conservative witch hunt aimed at picking off every other progressive leader. What they'll learn is that this kind of minor smear is all it takes to turn liberals against each other -- and we'll effectively be in the position of letting the craziest people on the right wing decide for us who our leaders will be. Joseph Romm of Climate Progress writes: I am a big fan of green jobs czar clean energy jobs handyman Van Jones (see " Van Jones argues we can -- and must -- fight poverty and pollution at the same time " and " Must Read: Van Jones and the English Language "). The right wing hates the clean energy jobs message (see " Department of Energy eviscerates right-wing Spanish 'green jobs' study ") so it's not surprising they are going after Van Jones. The Real Van Jones More on Glenn Beck | |
Tallulah Morehead: Big Brother 11: Hairy Potter & the Order of the Doofus. | Top |
" Now my charms are all o'erthrown, And what strength I have's mine own. Which is most faint... ... Now I want, Spirits to enforce, art to enchant, And my ending is despair. " - Prospero, The Tempest. " He raised his hand, and spoke slowly in a clear cold voice, 'Saruman, your staff is broken.' There was a crack, and the staff split asunder in Saruman's hand, and the head of it fell down at Gandalf's feet. 'Go!' said Gandalf. With a cry, Saruman fell back and crawled away. " -J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers , Book Three, Chapter X, The Voice of Saruman . Dorothy Gale: " You're a very bad man ." The Wizard: " Oh no, my dear! I'm a very good man; I'm just a very bad wizard. " Oz, The Great & Terrible, & Dorothy, The Small & Meek, The Wizard of Oz. Before we get underway, in case we have any newbies joining us at this late date, to help you follow along, the remaining Big Brother houseguests have all acquired new names here. To help you follow, I present this preliminary glossary of names: Kevin = Gollum. An insult to Tolkien's Gollum I know, but the resemblance is unmistakable, he's every bit as treacherous and cowardly, and the way he keeps kissing that ring he bears makes it obviously his "precious." Natalie = Skankalie. Self-explanatory. Michele = The Doctor or Dr. Michele. She has a PhD, and she survives among creatures that make life fighting the Daleks seem like an evening of cocktails with Noel Coward. Jordan = Jordumb. I am indebted to commentor "Educated Foolz" for this one, which is superior to my calling her Yokel Ohno, as she was Russell & Sarumoron's Yoko. Turns out that some of my readers are lucky to know who the Beatles were, beyond a music group in ancient history. Jeff = Sarumoron. After acquiring the Wizard Power from America, he was briefly Gandoofus, but he turned to The Dim Side last week, and became Sarumoron, Lord of Dimness. This is the saga of his fall. If you have giggles, prepare to shed them. Sunday : Slipping Up. Watching Russell's lovely picture turn black & white (my heart cried a little), Gollum said: "This schemey, plotty, paranoid type character, who gets on everybody's nerves is finally gone!" No Gollum, you are still there. Sarumoron told us: "Russell getting evicted was exactly like I planned." No, it was exactly as Skankalie and Gollum planned, with you just being their puppet. In the words of Bela Lugosi, in the cinema classic Glen or Glenda (or as Martin Landau re-said in Ed Wood . Lugosi got razzberries. Landau got an Oscar. Go figure.): " PULL THE STRINGS! " Sarumoron continued: "One, because he's a good competitor obviously. Two, I just didn't trust him. For those reasons, he had to go." Except he was genuinely committed to Sarumoron, The Doctor, Jordumb, and he being The Final Four, while the people His Exalted Dimness chose to trust over his ally, were Skankalie, and Gollum, two viscous liars, giggling in the diary room over their plans to stab him in the back first chance they got. And he was egged on by the doubts of Jordumb, who is more stupid than a pile of dust. The Dim Lord can't compete for HOH, and if he was counting on Jordumb to win it, his chronic Blue Bollocks must have clouded his vision. He is a classic fall-guy fool. All we can do now is sit back and get some laughs as he learns the hard way what an idiot he is. Sunday's show began with the incredibly long HOH competition of carrying leaky cups of cocoa back and forth across a "Graham Cracker" that was more slippery than ice, to fill huge plastic globes. (not Jordumb's!) It took forever, and would have been tedious beyond belief, except that the slick surface made for dozens of pratfalls, and by this time in the summer, I hated most of them enough that the sight of them slamming onto their butts time and time again never grew old. Gollum hmself confessed that he won this competition (and by a wide margin), because his mincing, effeminate walk kept his balance better than the others. He has a point, but it helped that Jordumb is top-heavy and overbalanced owing to the rocks she's had implanted in her disproportionate boobs, and that Skankalie is just plain un balanced. Jordumb in the Diary Room: "They pour chocolate rain on top of us. [Mmmmmm. Chocolate Raaaaiiiin.] It would-a just made it ten times slippiest - slippier - slipperyer - that's not even a word, is it?" Much as I enjoyed this whole tortured attempt to speak a simple sentence, as Jordumb conjugated adjectives for "more slippery," it's the last two words, "Is it?" that really amuse me; that faint glimmer of hope that perhaps, just maybe, "slipperyer" is indeed an actual word. Skankalie will never be a champion ice skater. Her falls were the clumsiest. Very little Tae Kwon, lots of Doh! Jordumb's falls were more graceful, and if the CBS editors can be trusted (No, they can not! ), more numerous. Her best was certainly the forward splat to the boobs (Degree of Difficulty: 5.7), when she landed full on her silicone-stuffed dirty pillows. The weapons she had plowed into Russell only last week had now turned on their owner. Jordumb's breasts cut both ways. Sarumoron: "Did you pop a boob?" Fair Romeo never spake ever thus so sweet to his beauteous Juliet. Jordumb: "I don't know." She doesn't know? Don't you think she'd notice? Or is "I don't know" her default answer to any question of fact, and with true justification. Skankalie thinks she's sly. In the Diary Room, after her pathetic loss of HOH, she tells us the real reason why she sucked: "I see [Gollum], and he's doing great. If he wins, that means I'm safe, and that means I get to play next week, so why show any other houseguests that I am a strong competitor?" Yeah, Skankalie, you were just pretending to suck, to slip and fall, splayed out, your cup flying (one time requiring a multi-contestant search to find out to where the cup had flown), like Olive Oyl taking frantic, flying spills in Max Fliescher's early Popeye cartoons. "I meant to do that!" Except that you are not a strong competitor. You have lost eight consecutive HOHs, and eight consecutive POVs, and you lost at Poker, which you bragged to all you played professionally. Frankly, if she thinks anyone still believes she's a Tae Kwon Doh! "Champion" after watching the sixteen (not counting luxury losses too) defeats she has suffered, announcing "I'm really going to play to win this one!" before each and every one, she's insane. When the Skankster dropped her cup into the barrel of chocolate [Mmmmm. Barrel of chocolate.] , which she just about had to dive headfirst into to retrieve, even Gollum began noticing that she was just pathetically lame. To outlame Jordumb takes more than work; it takes a Tae Kwon Doh! "Champion"! (A brief reverie: imagine, just for a moment, Chima competing in this challenge. Heh, heh, heh.) Gollum's assessment of Sarumoron's prowess at mental challenges: "I think he can answer a couple questions." I agree. Here are the questions he could probably get right: What is your name? Do you like girls? What is your favorite book? Well then, if you had read one, what would it most likely be? Okay, those last two were too difficult. Let me get back on track with questions you can answer. What is Jordumb's name? Wrong! As Skankalie and Gollum plotted against Sarumoron (Too good at physical stuff) and The Doctor (Too smart. Of course, the kitchen sponge is too smart for these two, but not The Dim Lord), Dr. Michelle put on a pretty yellow dress, and went into an empty room for a good cry. Frankly, if I were locked in a house with those other four, I'd be crying too, or making damn sure they were crying. The pictures of Gollum's husband in the HOH room were truly disturbing. He's far too gorgeous to be shackled to that hideous troll. It was like seeing Hugh Jackman married to Perez Hilton, or Antonio Bandaras married to Melanie Griffith, or like the late Luciano Pavorati married to anyone. Deagol darling, you can do better! Gollum went completely to pieces, weeping his brains out as he read his letter from Deagol, and it hadn't even said, "Dear Smeagol, while you've been in the Big Brother house, I've met someone else. I'll be moved out by the 14th. I'm keeping the Madonna CDs. Goodbye," though why it didn't say that utterly escapes me. Watching Sarumoron's face as Jordumb went on and on about her plans never to be separated from her mother, including having her live with her even after marriage ("I'll sleep in the 'bonus' room!"), even unto death, one could almost see his relief that he was escaping from her this week, returning to Chicago, while she goes home to Mommy in Dixie. At one point, Sarumoron strolled into a room in which Skankalie and Jordumb were having a confab, and Jordumb told him, "I heard you coming." Tell us something we don't know, Jordumb. But has he heard you? Sarumoron lay with his head in Jordumb's lap, and as they babbled meaninglessly, she braided his inch-and-a-half long front hairs, the way she would a Barbie doll. Jordumb, part plastic herself, really just thinks of Sarumoron as her living Ken doll, not grasping (literally) the importance of the fact that Sarumoron is anatomically correct. (I may not approve of being PC, but I am adamantly in favor of being AC!) Skankalie's terror attack over a dragonfly certainly nailed how butch this Tae Kwon Doh! "Champion" is. Gollum had no fear of the big bug, and happily kept batting it back onto her with a tennis racket. "Seriously." said brilliant ecologist Skankalie, "I would like every bug to Mankind to be destroyed." I hope she didn't quite mean exactly what she said. Einstein's Secret Shame (Jordumb) replied, "I don't see what the need of having them are." You see, Jordumb, the bugs are part of the food chain, and of the reproductive cycles of plants, upon which we depend for food and oxygen. So if all insects were destroyed, we would all die out too. From "every bug to Mankind," as Skankalie desires. Skankalie loudly targeted The Doctor as she frantically dealt out and played Solitaire, another game she can't win. (and with cards instead of a computer. How last century!) I got so sick of listening to Gollum torturing himself over which person to betray, in endless, unfunny Diary Room speeches, nasally whined out while wearing a T-shirt in the same color scheme as the backdrop, so he looked like a grotesque floating, severed head, not unlike Oz, The Great & Terrible, only less attractive. Deagol, how do you stand listening to that whine? Aren't you tempted to slap him across the face daily? Jordumb to Gollum, campaigning for Dr. Michele's eviction, "She wants you out, and she won't care about me and [Skankalie], cause she thinks we're dumb." You are dumb, as Dr. Michele knows . Sarumoron, shirtless, pecs percolating in close up (I'm savoring these last, fond views), sat alone with Gollum in the HOH room, as the first shadow of the axe at his throat appeared. Gollum: "You're not going to like what I'm going to say." That was really all he needed to say, but he babbled on, trying to make it look like this betrayal was forced on him by Fate, by Life, by Julie Chenbot, by anyone but he who was saying it. It was, to use another Tolkien term, a chance for Gollum to show his quality. He showed it all right. He nominated The Doctor and Sarumoron, with both of them believing that Sarumoron is just The Pawn. Dimsy darling, in Hogwart's Wizard Chess, when you've been reduced from a King to a Pawn, you're about to get pulverized by a queen. Jordumb on Sarumoron's nomination: "I neeeed him here, because we're a package. [She won't go near his "package!"] , and he's my BFF." Well he's certainly not her "Boy Friend Forever," and he's not her "Best Friend Forever" either. In fact, we can eliminate any "forever" from the phrase, since their relationship ends with the show, as he returns to a sophisticated northern city full of girls who will , many of them having been watching all summer thinking " I will! I will! ", while she returns to the south and Mom, and guys like Billy Joe Bob and Cooter, to whom she will again be saying "Not till we're married, and maybe not then either." No, as far as I can tell, "BFF" in this case, must mean "Big Friendly Fool." Tuesday : Pennies from Heaven. Sarumoron on Gollum: "In my eyes, [Gollum's] really just a snake..." So he's not effeminate? That's Parseltongue he's speaking? Gollum and Skankalie reassured Sarumoron that Dr. Michele was their true target. Skankalie to Sarumoron: "You're not going nowhere. It's all show." Skankalie, with great pride, one instant later in the Diary Room: "If [Sarumoron] thought we were serious, then he was dumb. We were lying straight to his face, and I had no problem with that." Clearly it never occurs to her that this is being broadcast to millions nationally, that it will exist on video tape forever, that every person she ever applies to for a job will have access to it, that it is now on her Permanent Record! Who would ever trust or hire any potential employee who so proudly announced her lack of a problem with lying for personal gain? The mob? The Republican Party? Fox News? She's not smart enough to be a lobbyist. Sarumoron tried to make Jordumb feel better ( Stop doing that! ), by telling her that the POV competition pressure was on him, not her, despite the fact that, if she won it, they'd both be safe, whereas, if he won it, she'd go up in his place. That last bit of logic eluded his potato-sharp mind. "I gotta win. I'm a winner, and winners win." Oh Sarumoron, you are a loser, and losers lose. Gollum walked into the HOH room, and saw a door that hadn't been there before with a big question mark on it. Squealing only slightly less girlishly that Emperor Palpatwit would have, Gollum cried out, "Oh my God, what's that?" It's a door, dimwit. "Oh my God, I'm scared! " Now I genuinely wanted to slap him. Butch the hell up. It's a door, an envelope, and an offer you are not smart enough to resist. The smoke monster from Lost is not going to come pouring out of it, grab you by the feet, and slam you into the walls until you are pulped, sadly. The temptation laid before Gollum in "Pandora's Box" was: "To release $10,000, put your hand in the hole." Pandora has been saying this about her box to sailors for centuries. It is undoubtedly not the first time such a proposition has been offered to Gollum, albeit with vastly smaller bait, and not from people with girl's names, nor the second time, nor the thirtieth, though, given his nine year relationship with Deagol The Visually-Impaired, this is probably the first time in quite a while that he's actually been tempted. While watching Gollum tiresomely agonize over his decision, I found myself hoping he wins a hunting trip with Dick Cheney while wearing novelty antlers. These are his exact words as he opened the door: "Oh my God, it's a total room! " What does he usually find behind doors? Yes, it's a "total room." It has a ceiling. The floor is wall-to-wall. It has three spatial dimensions. It also has a large flat-screen TV that I would stick my hand into many a hole to have in my living room (Line 'em up, boys!), and a big trunk with a fist-sized hole on top. Why do I think that this trap was designed specifically for Gollum? That if anyone else had won HOH, they would have been offered a different trap? To slip his hand through the hole, Gollum pushed his fingertips and thumb all together, like a little | |
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