Can Facebook Trademark the Word 'Face'? Fri, 27 Aug 2010 09:12 am PDT The Atlantic Wire - Facebook lawyers are attempting to secure a degree of trademark authority over the word "face" as part of a company name. It may sound outlandish, but the social networking site has already had some success with the word "book." Facebook has successfully blocked other companies from building sites with similar-sounding names that end in "book," such as "Placebook." Now it wants similar ownership over "face" and is currently pursuing a trademark claim. But, as is so often the case with Facebook, the situation manages to get even stranger and more dramatic from here. Full Story | Top | Can South Africa keep tapping World Cup spirit? Thu, 26 Aug 2010 12:39 pm PDT The Christian Science Monitor - In 2007, the US State Department asked me to go to South Africa to meet with leading newspaper editors. With the 2010 World Cup looming, they wanted to hear the experience of an editor who had managed coverage of a major sports event, as I had in Salt Lake City with the 2002 Winter Olympics. Full Story | Top | Will GOP Official's Self-Outing Help Gay Rights? Thu, 26 Aug 2010 02:53 am PDT The Atlantic Wire - Ken Mehlman, a former Republican National Committee chairman and the manager of George W. Bush's 2004 campaign, has announced that he is gay. The news, reported by The Atlantic's Marc Ambinder, has provoked strong reaction in gossip-hungry Washington and especially among liberals who are wondering why Mehlman worked so hard for a campaign and political party that have been less than receptive to gay-rights issues. Many observers write that Mehlman's sexuality was long an open secret. Here's what people have to say. Full Story | Top | Price of August naps: history's rudest awakenings Wed, 25 Aug 2010 06:16 pm PDT The Christian Science Monitor - The world sometimes falls asleep in August. And when it wakes in September it sorely rues the nap. Some of the most consequential events in modern Western history happened in August. Yet many people still think ânot much happensâ this month. Full Story | Top | Gmail phone: Revolutionary? Mon, 30 Aug 2010 10:00 am PDT The Week - Will the ability to make free phone calls using Google's (already addictive) email service change the communication industry? Full Story | Top | Sports Fixing Scandal Rocks Pakistan Mon, 30 Aug 2010 11:03 am PDT The Atlantic Wire - As flooding submerges one third of Pakistan, those not among the millions made homeless are facing a very different kind of national disaster. Pakistan's national cricket team, deeply cherished in a place where cricket rivals Islam as a national religion, has become embroiled in allegations of fixing matches. It began when the team traveled for a high-profile match in England, where Scotland Yard detectives investigated and found evidence that some players had deliberately played poorly in exchange for bribes. The scandal has rocked Pakistan, a country with few remaining heroes. Full Story | Top | Rubio's Great Test Ahead Tue, 24 Aug 2010 10:00 pm PDT - Marco Rubio's real test begins today. He is the GOP's great Cuban hope. A potential Republican bridge to Hispanic voters. The most likely Republican VP nominee in 2012. Even the presidency is attainable someday. It's all within reach for Rubio. Full Story | Top | Do Democrats Deserve to Lose in November? Thu, 26 Aug 2010 10:32 am PDT The Nation - The Nation -- “The Democrats may deserve to lose in November,” Timothy Egan wrote provocatively on the New York Times’ Opinionator blog yesterday. “They have been terrible at trying to explain who they stand for and the larger goal of their governance.” Full Story | Top | THE SUMMONING OF OUR DISCONTENT Mon, 30 Aug 2010 04:55 pm PDT Richard Reeves - NEW YORK -- Glenn Beck does not like to be compared with Father Charles Coughlin, the radio priest from Detroit. Coughlin, whose weekly show was listened to by as many as 40 million Americans in the 1930s, began as a Roosevelt New Dealer and ended up a raving anti-Semite. Full Story | Top | Wall Street Journal to avoid label for Islamic center Mon, 30 Aug 2010 02:45 pm PDT The Upshot - The Wall Street Journal is the latest news organization to announce it'll avoid using the oft-repeated phrase "Ground Zero Mosque" when describing Park51, a proposed Islamic community center and mosque in Lower Manhattan. Since May, the news media has routinely used the phrase "Ground Zero Mosque" in headlines, even though the project is actually located [...] Full Story | Top | Bill O’Reilly wrote about porn films during student days Mon, 30 Aug 2010 11:23 am PDT The Upshot - Fox News host Bill O'Reilly is known as an advocate for traditional values. He's lesser known for having written about pornographic films. No, the top-rated cable news host isn't moonlighting for Adult Video News. But he did write about a couple classic pornographic films during his student days in Boston. The Boston Phoenix, an alternative [...] Full Story | Top | Is Dior's New Chinese Ad Campaign Racist? Mon, 30 Aug 2010 11:02 am PDT The Atlantic Wire - Dior's new "Shanghai Dreamers" ad campaign is raising some eyebrows. The images, produced by Chinese artist Quentin Shih, feature row upon row of identical (as in digitally reproduced) Chinese men and women dressed in 1960s and 70s Cultural Revolution garb, and a single strikingly tall Western model dressed in Dior. Full Story | Top | Happy Hour Vid: Beck Rally Attendees Speak Up Mon, 30 Aug 2010 10:25 am PDT The Atlantic Wire - While journalists have thoroughly debated Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor rally, there have been fewer perspectives from attendees of the undeniably large event. Stepping into the void was The Root's Cord Jefferson, who spoke with a variety of Tea Partiers, Glenn Beck fans and small-government advocates who gathered to attend the revival-like rally. Full Story | Top | Americans Shrug (For Now) at Location-Sharing Apps Mon, 30 Aug 2010 09:49 am PDT The Atlantic Wire - The rapid rise of Foursquare and the trumpeted launch of Facebook Places have led, inevitably, to backlash against the "Orwellian" location-tracking applications. Critics are piggy-backing on a report finding that only one percent of Americans use location-based services weekly. Yet while it's true that only four percent of Americans have ever even tried these location apps, the rapid rise of Foursquare (which just surpassed three million users) and the aggressive promotion of these apps by reigning Web titans suggest they won't fade away anytime soon. Tech pundits weigh in on whether the fad can catch on beyond tech-savvy urbanites. Full Story | Top | 5 Challenges as Biden Visits Iraq Mon, 30 Aug 2010 09:24 am PDT The Atlantic Wire - Vice President Joe Biden is in Iraq to mark Tuesday's formal end to the U.S. combat mission. Though 50,000 troops will remain, tomorrow shifts the U.S. mission from a military to a political focus, with Biden joining the many U.S. and Iraqi officials trying to break the political deadlock that has persisted since March. Iraq's national elections earlier this year ended with neither Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki nor challenger Ayad Allawi securing enough voters for a ruling majority in parliament. Here are five challenges facing Iraq, where the dangers have become more political but no less urgent. Full Story | Top | Americans Don't Think Palin Could Be 'Effective President' Mon, 30 Aug 2010 09:02 am PDT The Atlantic Wire - A new 60 Minutes/Vanity Fair poll finds that Americans don't really know who Emily Post was, and are just as likely to see Mel Gibson's movies despite learning that the actor abused his former girlfriend and indulged in racist-slur filled rants. It also finds a majority of Americans don't think Sarah Palin "would have the ability to be an effective president." It's this last factoid political bloggers find interesting (regrettable, perhaps, for those more concerned with etiquette). While 60 percent of respondents think Palin is not qualified, self-identified conservatives are about evenly split, while Republicans lean slightly in Palin's favor. Here are political bloggers' attempts to translate the results: Full Story | Top |
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