Saturday, February 2, 2013

Health News: [heart]

Yahoo! Health - My Alerts - Edit Alert
Saturday, Feb 02, 2013 09:21 AM EST
Victory beat Heart 2-1 in derby
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 06:15 AM PST
Melbourne Victory beat Melbourne Heart 2-1 to consolidate second place on the A-League ladder.
Anthony Hilton: We're stifling banks but no one in charge will be seen being easy on them
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 06:14 AM PST
The economy had experienced a heart attack, Business Secretary Vince Cable told an audience at an event on Wednesday organised by the think tank Politeia. Recuperation is slow, uncertain and takes a very long time, so you should not expect at this relatively early stage that we would be sprinting down the track like Jessica Ennis.
Kramer: Habit at home creates comfort
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 06:13 AM PST
Each of us lives in a place we call home. Home is where the heart is, where all our stuff resides. When we're lucky, it's a place where we feel comfortable, familiar and protected (most of the time). We eat, drink, sleep, make love, raise children and dream there â€"among other things. Webster defines home as the place or type of site where a plant or animal naturally or normally lives; the place ...
ANN ARBOR: University of Michigan partners with Technion â€" Israel Institute of Technology for heart disease research
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 06:12 AM PST
The number one killer of both men and women in the United States is heart disease, according to the National Institutes of Health. Researchers at the University of Michigan are working to change that. Partnering with colleagues at the Technion â€" Israel Institute of Technology, scientists are investigating new ways to attack the causes of heart disease.
Ireland has a hungry heart for Springsteen
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 06:08 AM PST
QUESTION:Why is Bruce Springsteen so popular in Ireland?
Scientists Are Rebuilding Hearts With Stem Cells
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 05:52 AM PST
Every two minutes someone in the UK has a heart attack. Every six minutes, someone dies from heart failure. During an attack, the heart remodels itself and dilates around the site of the injury to try to compensate, but these repairs are rarely effective.
Check Groundhog Day forecast
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 05:51 AM PST
Americans are being urged to look through their closets for anything crimson, scarlet or apple-red to wear Friday, in support of the American Heart Association's annual Go Red for Women campaign.
OSF fair encourages women's heart health
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 05:41 AM PST
As part of the kick-off to National Heart Month, a local hospital invited women to don red and fight heart disease Friday. OSF St. Mary Medical Center offered free heart check-ups as part of its ninth annual National Heart Health Day Fair from 7 to 10:30 a.m. The booths included blood pressure checks, blood sugar and diabetes screenings, body mass index calculations and exercise programs.
Ex-Liverpool goalkeeper Doni reveals heart-attack
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 05:27 AM PST
Rio de Janeioro, Feb 2 : Former Liverpool and Brazil goalkeeper Doni has revealed he almost died after suffering a heart attack last year. Doni made the revelation upon announcing his free transfer to Brazil's Sao Paulo state league club Botafogo de Ribeirao Preto Friday, reports Xinhua.
Philippines nabs 14 nominations at the 2013 New York Film Festivals TV and Film Awards
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 05:25 AM PST
ABS-CBN's Budoy and Be Careful With My Heart grabs nominations.

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