Saturday, February 2, 2013

Health News: [cancer]

Yahoo! Health - My Alerts - Edit Alert
Saturday, Feb 02, 2013 09:03 AM EST
Serpent Science: UNC professor looks to fight cancer with rattlesnakes’ venom
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 06:02 AM PST
DAN ENGLAND/ Stephen Mackessy laughs as one of his rattlesnakes stares him down, either out of menace or curiosity (we’re not sure). Mackessy studies rattlesnake venom for properties that may help cure cancer, but he also helps to conserve snakes.
Colorectal cancer screenings save lives - free seminar & colorectal screening kit
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 06:00 AM PST
Most people aren’t comfortable discussing issues relating to their colon or rectum. That’s OK.
Mass. man thinking of, grateful to organ donor
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 05:28 AM PST
It's quite possible that cancer was what saved Tom McKay's life.
New target for treating wide spectrum of cancers
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 04:27 AM PST
Irvine, Feb 2 : University of California (UC) Irvine biologists, chemists and computer scientists have identified an elusive pocket on the surface of the p53 protein that can be targeted by cancer-fighting drugs.
Dearborn Relay for Life kickoff is Wednesday
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 04:21 AM PST
Cancer â€" a disease that affects one in four families according to the American Cancer Society. Whether it’s a grandparent, spouse, child, friend or coworker, chances are you’ve been touched by this disease at some point.
Capitol Digest: Latino lobbyists, online service for CGL, cancer coaster campaign Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 04:00 AM PST
A roundup of legislative and Capitol news items of interest for Friday, Feb. 1, 2013:
Cancer Daily Horoscope for February 02, 2013
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 03:59 AM PST
This isn't the best day to get into arguments at home -- though with some conflicts you are better off getting them resolved quickly. Today, though, you have to defer, as flare-ups could lead to wildfires! More horoscopes! Check your Daily Single's LoveScopes , Daily Couple's LoveScopes , Daily CareerScopes , Weekly RomanticScopes , Monthly FitnessScopes , more ... Today's Free Sample Reading ...
Summer beckons a brave survivor
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 03:52 AM PST
AFTER spending more than a quarter of her life in chemotherapy and other cancer treatment, Teagan Crynes can't wait to get back into life.
PKCζ protein plays a critical role in regulating tumor metabolism
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 03:44 AM PST
Cancer cells need food to survive and grow. They're very good at getting it, too, even when nutrients are scarce. Many scientists have tried killing cancer cells by taking away their favorite food, a sugar called glucose. Unfortunately, this treatment approach not only fails to work, it backfires-glucose-starved tumors actually get more aggressive.
Sorry the whingers have won
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 03:39 AM PST
TIM Mathieson owes us all an apology. He should apologise for apologising for his remarks about prostate cancer this week.

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