Saturday, February 2, 2013

Keyword: [obama]: Faith groups offered new rule

Yahoo! News - My Alerts - Edit Alert
Saturday, Feb 02, 2013 08:15 AM EST
Faith groups offered new rule
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 05:11 AM PST
In this 2012 file photo, Kathleen Sebelius speaks in Bethesda, Md. The Obama administration proposed a deal. / AP WASHINGTON â€" The Obama administration on Friday proposed a compromise for faith-based nonprofit organizations that object to covering birth control in their employee health plans, trying to appease religious groups that have filed a tide of lawsuits over the president’s signature ...
Legislators weigh in on gun control
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 05:10 AM PST
By Mary Drier Staff Writer MICHIGAN â€" Recent mass shootings in a couple of states have legislators reviewing laws in hopes to help prevent such atrocities. President Barack Obama outlined... Read more »
DEXTER: Erber brothers march in President Obama's inaugural parade
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 04:59 AM PST
Two Dexter brothers were among 1,500 Virginia Military Institute cadets marching in President Barack Obama's Inaugural Parade Jan. 21 in Washington D.C.
Obama: 2013 can be year of economic growth
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 04:56 AM PST
WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama says 2013 can be a year of solid economic growth, but only if Washington gets out of the way. In his weekly radio and Internet address, Obama says there are signs of progress in real estate, manufacturing and job-creation.
Obama to reset climate team after Chu's exit
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 04:41 AM PST
US Energy Secretary Steven Chu, the Nobel Prize winner who shepherded an effort to help spur a clean energy US economy, will step down after a tenure rocked by the failures of some costly government investments.
"US businesses created 2.2 million jobs last year"
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 04:33 AM PST
Washington, Feb 2, (PTI) Stating that businesses in America created 2. 2 million jobs last year, US President Barack Obama today said the Congress should work together on a balanced approach to reduce deficit and promote economic growth and job creation.
Obama offers birth-control compromise
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 04:31 AM PST
WASHINGTON â€" Facing a wave of lawsuits over what government can tell religious groups to do, the Obama administration on Friday proposed a compromise for faith-based nonprofits that object to covering birth control in their employee health plans.
Irish immigration lobbyist praises President Obama’s reform plans
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 04:29 AM PST
The Chicago Celts for Immigration Reform applauds President Obama for his courageous step forward in declaring his commitment to a comprehensive overhaul of our broken immigration system.
Israeli forces dismantle Palestinian encampment
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 04:21 AM PST
President Barack Obama says 2013 can be a year of solid economic growth, but only if Washington gets out of the way. More >>
US businesses created 2.2 million jobs last year: Obama
Sat, 02 Feb, 2013 04:17 AM PST
Washington, Feb 2, (PTI) Stating that businesses in America created 2. 2 million jobs last year, US President Barack Obama today said the Congress should work together on a balanced approach to reduce deficit and promote economic growth and job creation.

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