Saturday, March 7, 2009

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Shiloh and Zahara -- Daddy's Lil' Divas Top
Filed under: Kids , Brad & Angelina At ages 2 and 3, Zahara and Shiloh are more experienced with paps than Miley Cyrus. As "Double Trouble" split from a D.C. area toy store yesterday, Shiloh went incognitio, practically disappearing in her black hoodie -- while Zahara rocked the hell... Permalink
You Stay Classy Paris Hilton... Top
Filed under: Wacky & Weird , Paris Hilton , Hot Vegas World renowned feminist Paris Hilton is so dedicated to the cause that even in Vegas, she refused to "sit like a lady" while partying in the shortest dress ever made. Hey, at least she's wearing panties this time. See Also Paris Lets #8762 into... Permalink
Wacko Jacko Could Kick Ne-Yo to the Curb Top
Filed under: Music , Wacky & Weird , Michael Jackson Forget east coast, west coast beef -- Michael Jackson may be about to school Ne-Yo on pop star seniority.MJ just announced ten tour dates at the O2 arena in London -- but there's a huge problem. Ne-Yo is scheduled to perform on one of the same nights... Permalink
Anna Wintour: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle?! Top
Filed under: We're Just Sayin' Here's Vogue editrix Anna Wintour at NY Fashion Week recently (left) -- and Raphael of the the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (right).One of them has the nickname Psycho.We're just sayin'. See Also Lucinda Williams: Millionaire Matchmaker?!... Permalink


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