Saturday, March 7, 2009

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Barkley to Give Presser -- FROM JAIL! Top
Live, from incarceration -- it's Charles Barkley?!The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office told us they have authorized their most famous inmate to speak with the press while serving time inside the facility. We're told it's all going down in about an... Permalink
Jailed Barkley -- Pretty in Pink Boxers Top
Filed under: Celebrity Justice , Talk Sports He's 6'6" and large -- but somehow Charles Barkley snuck into Arizona's Tent City Jail this morning to begin his 3 day sentence without anybody seeing him.While no cameras managed to catch Barkley checking himself in, the Maricopa County Sheriff's... Permalink
Daniel Craig -- No Egg Rolls for You Top
Filed under: Movies , Wacky & Weird , Denied! If Daniel Craig thought he could just waltz his way into crowded Mr. Chow last night and star-power his way into a table -- dude thought wrong.Moments after 007 strolled into the restaurant, Craig and his woman pulled an about-face and retreated back... Permalink
Samuel L. Blown Away By Badass Lady Friend Top
Filed under: Movies , Wacky & Weird Even the most bad ass dude in Hollywood took a step back yesterday when his friend Anna Horsford -- the mom in "Friday" -- sounded off about the kind of violent punishment that woman-beaters deserve. See Also Samuel L -- Every Black On Team... Permalink
Mild Hogs -- The Most Harmless Biker Gang Ever Top
Filed under: Paparazzi Photo With their peddles revving, Tobey Maguire led his environmentally-friendly gang of bikers through New York City yesterday. Instead of switchblades, Leo DiCaprio, Kevin Dillon and Lucas Haas attack people with facts about how to help reduce global... Permalink
Shiloh and Zahara -- Daddy's Lil' Divas Top
Filed under: Kids , Brad & Angelina At ages 2 and 3, Shiloh and Zahara are more experienced with paps than Miley Cyrus. As Brad Pitt walked "Double Trouble" out of a D.C. area toy store yesterday, Shiloh pulled off the incognito look, practically disappearing in her black hoodie --... Permalink
You Stay Classy Paris Hilton ... Top
Filed under: Wacky & Weird , Paris Hilton , Hot Vegas World renowned feminist Paris Hilton is so dedicated to the cause that even in Vegas, she refused to "sit like a lady" while partying in the shortest dress ever made. Hey, at least she's wearing panties this time. See Also Paris Lets #8762 into... Permalink


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