Thursday, May 21, 2009

Health News: [heart]

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Thursday, May 21, 2009 6:21 PM PDT

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County economic leader dies
Royal Oak Daily Tribune Thu, 21 May 2009 18:11 PM PDT
Dennis R. Toffolo, deputy Oakland County executive, died Wednesday after suffering a heart attack at his Oxford home Tuesday evening.

Iggy Pop - Pop Plans To Push On With The Stooges
ContactMusic Thu, 21 May 2009 17:48 PM PDT
IGGY POP is considering reteaming with guitarist JAMES WILLIAMSON as THE STOOGES' potential replacement for late rocker RON ASHETON.Asheton, 60, died from a heart attack on...

Diabetes treatment cuts heart risk
Channel 4 Thu, 21 May 2009 17:42 PM PDT
Diabetics can cut their heart attack risk by almost a fifth by driving down blood sugar levels, research has shown. A study pooling information from five trials showed intensive treatment of type 2 diabetes led to fewer heart attacks and less heart disease.

Annual spring tea party benefits heart disease
Corvallis Gazette-Times Thu, 21 May 2009 17:34 PM PDT
Soroptimists host event that raised $23,000 last year

Diabetics' heart attack risk can be reduced, research finds
PhysOrg Thu, 21 May 2009 17:22 PM PDT
People with diabetes who maintain intensive, low blood sugar levels are significantly less likely to suffer heart attacks and coronary heart disease, new research published today in The Lancet has shown.

Plan to medicate all over-55s ‘ludicrous’
Irish Examiner Thu, 21 May 2009 17:13 PM PDT
THE Irish Heart Foundation has dismissed as “ludicrous” a plan by one of Britain’s leading medical experts to give everyone over the age of 55 drugs to lower their blood pressure.

Three cups of tea a day 'can cut heart attack risk by 70%'
Daily Mail Thu, 21 May 2009 16:52 PM PDT
The beverage could even have anti-cancer properties, a review of previous research suggests.

How are you going to top that, Ranulph?
Independent Thu, 21 May 2009 16:50 PM PDT
Exhausted and fearful for his health, Sir Ranulph Fiennes turned his back on the summit of the world's highest mountain for a second time a year ago and declared: "I won't try Everest again. The first time I got a heart attack. This time, bad timing and weather scuppered my chances. I think any third attempt would be bad luck."

Laszlo seeking investment from owner to stop breaking Hearts
The Herald Thu, 21 May 2009 16:42 PM PDT
Csaba Laszlo, the Heart of Midlothian manager, last night called for urgent investment from club owner Vladimir Romanov to avoid the break-up of his Europe-bound team and to finance new faces at Tynecastle.

'I live with a broken heart' Thu, 21 May 2009 16:42 PM PDT
Jean Taylor was devastated by her sister's killing. She never imagined the further tragedies her family would face

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