Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Y! Alert: Dlisted - Be Very Afraid

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The latest from Dlisted - Be Very Afraid

Lily Allen Has No Love For Susan Boyle
Susan Boyle has charmed millions, but not Lily Allen. When Susan sings, Lily does not feel the warm embrace of a thousand fluffy kittens. Or maybe she really does and she's just lying about it, because Susan gives her greeeen eyeeeees. Over on her Twitter , Lily commented on Susan Boyle's take on " Memory " from Britain's Got Talent the other night. Lily wrote, " Susan Boyle is so overrated. Je suis overrated aussi." Lily went on, "Listen, I'm allowed to have an opinion. I thought her timing was off. No control, and I don't think she has an amazing voice. Yes, she can sing, but it's not about talent with her is it? She seems like a lovely lady but if it's about talent, that Shaheen kid should win." When someone called her out for the " talent " remark, Lily responded , "I have never in my life claimed to be talented. I do work hard at writing songs and putting on entertaining concerts though. " Uh oh. Lily has gone and done it now! Lily better sleep with a water gun under her bed, because the cats of the world will get her for dissing their QUEEN! I hope Lily likes cat piss in her vodka and hairballs in her panties. And just for cacas, I decided to play a game I call " Mom Famous. " I called my mom to see if she knew Susan Boyle and/or Lily Allen by name. Because my mom really only knows Madonna and The Pope by name. So I asked her if she knew who Susan Boyle was. She responded, " That British lady with teddy bear hair who sings opera?" Exactly. Then I asked her if she knew Lily Allen. She responded, " That rapper on Dancing with the Stars?" Huh?! So I said, "No. That's Lil' Kim. " And she said, " Oh, yeah! LILY KIM. She has ugly boobs, but I like her ." LILY KIM?! That actually makes sense since Lil' Kim does have the face of an Asian woman. Anyway, score one for The Boyle! VIA NYDN


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