The latest from Dlisted - Be Very Afraid
- Jessica Simpson Is Going Back To Reality TV
- They Better Cover The Seats With Plastic
- Prepare To Be Dazzled
Jessica Simpson Is Going Back To Reality TV | Top |
Reality TV made Jessica Simpson a big star, so it's no surprise that she's shuffling back there in a bid to keep her name on your tongue (tastes like deep fried Crisco). UsWeekly says that Jessica and some friend will travel the world to see what different cultures see as beautiful. The show is called The Price of Beauty and her spokesbitch confirmed it, but wouldn't give up any details. Some source said that Jessica and her friend will even try "s hocking things that women do to make themselves beautiful. Picture Fear Factor ." Is there a place where they think getting your mouth sewn up makes you look more beautiful? If not, make it up and send Jessica there! Is there also a place where they believe throwing your father into a volcano turns you into an exquisite beauty? If not, make it up and send Jessica and Papa Joe there too! If this crap ever makes it to air it could be a fun show to watch while playing a drinking game. Every time Jessica's dumb ass unwittingly offends someone of a different culture, drink a shot! Your liver would be raising a white flag after 10 minutes. | |
They Better Cover The Seats With Plastic | Top |
File this under: news that made my nipples pass out. The New York Post (via Playbill ) says that Hugh Jackmeoff and Daniel Craig will star in a Broadway play together later this fall. That theater is going to constantly smell like spoiled goat milk, hot dog water and discarded tuna cans. Hugh and Daniel will both play cops (MY BUTT JUST BLEW UP) in A Steady Rain by playwright Keith Huff. The play is about " two Chicago cops whose friendship is tested by a domestic dispute they encounter in a poor neighborhood ." Okay, what is the title referring to exactly? Does it refer to a pivotal scene where Hugh and Daniel embrace in the rain pant-less? Or maybe it refers to a pivotal scene where Hugh and Daniel embrace in the shower shirtless? Or maybe it refers to a pivotal scene where Hugh and Daniel embrace while one of them is going pee pees? It doesn't really matter. Just tell me if they will be selling a clean change of panties at the concession stand or if I have to bring my own? | |
Prepare To Be Dazzled | Top |
If you electrocute yourself by playing connect the CGI dots on RPatt'z baby powder-covered body using your clit, I am not responsible. And I don't even want to think about the paper cuts crazy fangirls accidentally gave themselves in unfortunate places after printing out these pictures. Seriously, believe it. Just take a peek at some of the comments left on some of the other sites about the lord of the magical unicorn forest. This is my favorite one EVER from UsWeekly: Seriously - I am sitting here breathing into a paper bag - literally hyperventilating!!!!!!!!!!! and thanking God above that my husband did not come home for lunch so that he did not hear all my screaming when I saw this picture!!!! GEEZ - he's beautiful - amazingly beautiful - breath-taking amazingly beautiful - should I go on???? - and just sitting here thinking about the way he sings Van Morrison's song I'll Be Your Lover, Too - while looking like this - OMG OMG OMG My afternoon will be completely nonproductive now - just dreaming of Rob - You Greek Adonis You! You know, I kind of say the same thing whenever I look at a picture of a Double Double from In 'N Out. Although, I have never pictured my Double Double singing Van Morrison's " I'll Be Your Lover Too. " That would be too much for me to bear. Here's more of RPattz and company filming New Moon in Italy earlier today. You know Michelangelo himself floated down from heaven just to hand paint perfect abs on RPattz's body. | |
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