Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Y! Alert: E! Online (US) - TV News

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Blake Lively & Penn Badgley: Lip-Lockin' PDA Top
Oh, that cute Gossip Girl couple just can't keep their hands—or lips—off of each other. Blake Lively and Penn Badgley showed how much in love they are during a night out...
You Didn't Want to Watch Jon & Kate, but You Did Top
The law of trainwrecks—hard to watch, harder not to watch—was in full effect during last night's Jon & Kate Plus 8. The reality show's heavily promoted...
Conan's Tonight Show: Think "Murder, She Wrote, for a Younger Demo" Top
In less than one week, a late-night transition five years in the making will finally be realized, when Conan O'Brien takes over the reins of the Tonight Show. And despite the months of hype...
Gosselins Talk Divorce on Jon & Kate Plus 8 Season Premiere Top
In what proved to be one of the rawest and most real reality-show moments of the year, Jon and Kate Gosselin discussed the D-word in a teary interview on last night's season-five premiere...
Kim Kardashian: Picking Out a Ring Top
Kim Kardashian may not know when she and Reggie Bush are getting engaged, but she's already looking at rings. "It's just easier," the E! reality star tells me....
Get Our Calendar of Summer TV Premiere Dates! Top
Update, 4:48 p.m.: Added Hell's Kitchen, The Little Couple and The Next Food Network Star Update, 1:30 p.m.: Added a Real Housewives special and the final seven episodes of...
Real Housewives Head to Obama Country Top
We're guessing Michelle Obama is otherwise booked, but some other Beltway wives are about to get the Bravo treatment. The cable net has announced its next incarnation of the Real...
Jennifer Aniston: Twitterhunt Against Cancer Top
Jennifer Aniston has joined the Twitter Nation. No, she's not tweeting what she has for breakfast or what she thinks of Kris Allen's win over Adam Lambert. Aniston...
Buffy Relaunching Without Whedon, Gellar...Regard for Fans? Top
Blame Robert Pattinson. And, for that matter, Captain Kirk. What with vampires and franchise relaunches suddenly all the rage, plans for a new Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie have...
Adam Lambert's Debut CD: Rock? Glam? Pop? Top
We loved him on rock night. We adored him on country night. We grooved with him on disco night. Hell, Adam Lambert rocked the American Idol stage every night, proving that he could shine in any...
Kris Allen: "I'm Not a Man of Many Words" Top
American Idol winner Kris Allen might have been low-key, mellow and, well, some could even say a bit unemotional throughout the show's run, but the Conway, Ark., singer says he does express a...
Do Child Labor Laws Apply to Jon & Kate's Kids? Top
About Jon & Kate Plus 8: I wonder if the kids are protected under child labor laws, or if they should be? —Miracle Aimee, via Twitter You'd think that any parents...
SYTYCD 's Nigel Lythgoe Tweets Off Against GLAAD's "Homophobic" Accusation Top
The brains behind the feet of So You Think You Can Dance are trying to fight back after coming under attack over some allegedly homophobic comments. GLAAD was on the warpath today after...
Scrubs: Is Sarah Chalke Returning? Top
Is the quirky and adorable Dr. Elliot Reid scrubbing back in for the ninth season of the hit ABC series? The short answer? She's still not sure. But the long answer is...
Adam Lambert Says Sexuality "Probably" Cost Him Idol Win Top
All anyone can talk about lately is when is Adam Lambert going to set the record straight on his sexuality? But thus far, he's remaining ambiguous about it. We've all seen the...
Kris Allen Says Wife's OK With Simon Cowell's Comments Top
It's hard to forget the moment on American Idol when Simon Cowell told Kris Allen that it might have been too soon to play the wife card. His wife, Katy, was sitting right there and had a...
Kiefer: Sorry for Being Butt-Head Top
Apparently Kiefer Sutherland's role as Jack Bauer went a little too far to his head—and unfortunately the guy who got in his way. The 24 star turned up on Late Night...
Clay Aiken vs. Adam Lambert: He Made My Ears Bleed Top
Well, me-ow. Don't count Clay Aiken among those upset by Adam Lambert's second-place finish on American Idol. Or, for that matter, among those who can be bothered—or care...
So You Think You Can Dance Off on Right Foot Top
Given that Fox just bet on So You Think You Can Dance for the fall, last night would've been a really bad night for the franchise to take a fall. Luckily for the network, SYTYCD was...
Grey's Anatomy Inspires Reality Show? Top
Move over, Grey's Anatomy. It looks like the CW is making a play for fans of the medical drama. And we're not talking about the behind-the-scenes battles with Katherine Heigl and...


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