Saturday, May 9, 2009

Keyword News: [obama]

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Saturday, May 09, 2009 1:16 PM PDT

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Notre Dame to pay some police bill for Obama visit
Palladium-Item Sat, 09 May 2009 13:12 PM PDT
SOUTH BEND, Ind. (AP) â€" The University of Notre Dame has agreed to pay some of the costs local police departments will face for helping provide security during next weekend’s visit by President Barack Obama.

Muslim Brotherhood: Obama's Egypt trip 'useless'
Boston Globe Sat, 09 May 2009 13:10 PM PDT
Egypt's most powerful opposition group, the Muslim Brotherhood, on Saturday called President Barack Obama's upcoming trip to Egypt "useless" unless the U.S. shows dramatic change in its policies toward Arab and Islamic countries.

Wanda’s Picks for May
San Francisco Bay View Sat, 09 May 2009 13:08 PM PDT
Shout out to First Lady Michelle Obama, who presented the bust of Queen Mother Sojourner Truth, a woman who experienced first hand the hardships of slavery, yet emerged strong, so strong she had to remind America she too was a woman, a woman deserving all the respect and honor reserved for privileged white women.

Holder says U.S. won't release terrorists
Daily Breeze Sat, 09 May 2009 13:06 PM PDT
WASHINGTON â€" The Obama administration will not release terrorists from Guantanamo Bay into neighborhoods in the United States, Attorney General Eric Holder told Congress on Thursday as he sought to reassure worried lawmakers. 'We don't have any plans to release terrorists,' Holder testified at a Senate hearing on the Obama administration's budget for the Justice Department. The budget proposal ...

ND to help pay police costs for Obama visit
Chicago Tribune Sat, 09 May 2009 13:06 PM PDT
SOUTH BEND, Ind. -- The University of Notre Dame has agreed to pay some of the costs local police departments will face for helping provide security during next weekend's visit by President Barack Obama. Notre Dame spokesman Dennis Brown says the school will pay the South Bend and St. Joseph County departments for services beyond what is typically required by the Secret Service. Anti-abortion ...

Editorial: It's too early to judge success, but Obama is delivering change
San Jose Mercury News Sat, 09 May 2009 13:05 PM PDT
President Barack Obama's first 100 days in office will be judged, we suspect, on the same criteria as his entire presidency: the success or failure of his attempts to shore up the banks and stimulate the economy.

Obama meets skipper rescued from pirates
AAP via Yahoo!7 News Sat, 09 May 2009 13:01 PM PDT
President Barack Obama has met a US cargo ship captain who was held hostage by Somali pirates last month before a high-seas rescue by US Navy snipers.

Ruben Navarrette Jr.: It is time for Latino Supreme Court appointment
San Jose Mercury News Sat, 09 May 2009 12:56 PM PDT
AS SOMEONE WHO knows what it's like to make history, President Barack Obama should understand intuitively that â€" with the retirement of Justice David Souter â€" it's time for him to whip up another batch by putting a Latino or Latina on the Supreme Court.

Michelle Kraus: Obama Calls for Credit Card Reform By Memorial Day
The Huffington Post Sat, 09 May 2009 12:53 PM PDT
No not really! Obama's proposed credit card crack down does not go far enough. It certainly is a first step for a beautiful Saturday morning...

Obama hosts US captain held by Somali pirates
Otago Daily Times Sat, 09 May 2009 12:53 PM PDT
President Barack Obama has met the captain of a US cargo ship who was held hostage by Somali pirates last month. Obama met the captain, Richard Phillips, and Phillips' his wife, Andrea, in the Oval Office today.

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