Saturday, May 9, 2009

Y! Alert: Dlisted - Be Very Afraid

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The latest from Dlisted - Be Very Afraid

Weekend Open Post: Hosted By Vintage Tommy Girl
Tom Cruise speaking about Study Technology Gawker found this old video of a Cojo -haired Mr. Tommy Girl dropping Hubbard-isms while speaking about some shit called "study technology" at a Scientology event. I don't speak fluent E.T., so I kind of had no idea what the hell he was blabbing about. He says something about through his sheer determinism he learned he was falsely diagnosed with Dyslexia . Or something. I don't know. I'm not a doctor, but I can officially diagnose him with a disorder known as CrazyAsAMotherfucker-itis. And you know that while he was talking the only thing on his mind was sweaty peen. That's it. Just sweaty peen. P.S. - If you shut your eyes, it kind of sounds like an extended ITT-Tech commercial.


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